November 2019 Agenda EOM

WSH PC crest

Extra ordinary meeting of the Council

Friday 8th November 2019 at 19:00


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Witham St Hughs Parish Council Allotment Committee will be held at Witham St Hughs Village Hall, Caraway Drive, Witham St Hughs, Lincoln. LN6 9XG on Friday 8th November 2019 at 19:00. This will be a closed meeting with no public speaking.


1. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT - Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest which they may have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when that item is reached. Unless dispensation has been granted, you may not participate in any discussion of, or vote on, or discharge any function related to any matter in which you have a pecuniary interest as defined by regulations made by the Secretary of State under the Localism Act 2011. You must withdraw from the room when the meeting discusses and votes on the matter.

2. Resolve to agree to move into a closed session.

3. Staffing Matters

3.1 Resignation of Clerk and RFO

3.2 Discuss and resolve to agree suitable Advertisement for the position of Parish Clerk and RFO

3.3 Discuss and resolve to agree to salary pay scales and hours to be employed