These terms of reference relate to the running of Witham St Hughs Parish Council Allotments
1. Membership of the Allotments Committee
a) The Allotments Committee shall comprise a minimum of one member of the Parish Council, nominated by a vote of the Parish Council for a term of one year from the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council or such shorter time as the Parish Council shall decide.
b) The Allotments Committee shall comprise a minimum of two members of Cargill PLC appointed by the said Cargill PLC
c) The Allotments Committee should comprise of up to seven members in total.
d) Membership, other than Councillors nominated by the Parish Council and members nominated by Cargill PLC, shall be appointed by vote by the Parish Council
2. Chair & Vice Chair
a. The Allotments Committee shall elect a Chair & Vice Chair each year, in the first meeting following the Annual Parish Council Meeting in May
b. The Allotments Committee may elect persons to any other post they agree is required to carry out the functions of the said committee.
3. Conduct of Meetings
a) All meetings of the Allotments Committee shall be convened at an interval of at least every three months or at shorter intervals as required.
b) The first meeting of the Allotment Committee shall be held within one month of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held annual in May.
c) Meetings shall be advertised by the Parish Council and open to attendance by members of the public with an initial period of public comment of not less than fifteen minutes.
d) Members of the public may remain after the initial fifteen minutes period but are not permitted to take part in discussions or influence the running of the meeting, unless invited to do so by the Chair.
e) Approved Minutes of the Allotments Committee shall be kept and be presented to the Parish Council at their next meeting.
f) A quorum shall consist of three members, including at least one Parish Councillor and one member of Cargill PLC.
4. Powers of the Allotments Committee
a) The Allotments Committee will always act on behalf of and in the interests of the Parish Council, Cargill PLC, and the residents of Witham St Hughs
b) The powers of the Allotments Committee shall be limited to the running of the allotments and the upkeep of the area, including the entrance and parking areas.
c) The Allotments Committee may advance suggestions and recommendations to the Parish Council for fund raising schemes for projects they consider beneficial to the community, and which have an impact on the running of the allotments.
d) The methods used for raising funds for the allotments will be the responsibility of the Allotments Committee but should reflect the wishes of the Parish Council and will be subjected to monitoring by the Parish Council
e) If the Parish Council decides that any form of fund raising would bring discredit on the Parish Council or the Allotments Committee the Allotments Committee will be instructed to cease or restrain from doing any act that the parish council so proscribes
f) If Cargill PLC decides that any form of fund raising would bring discredit on Cargill PLC or their members on the Allotments Committee the Allotments Committee will be instructed to cease or restrain from doing any act that Cargill PLC so proscribes
g) Any request for the Allotments Committee to act taken under 4e or 4f shall be referred to the other party immediately.
5. Responsibilities and Areas of Operation of the Allotments Committee
The Allotments Committee shall:
a) In conjunction with the Clerk and members of the Parish Council be responsible for ensuring that the Parish Council’s interests are always considered
b) In conjunction with the Cargill PLC representatives on the committee be responsible for ensuring that Cargill PLC’s interests are always considered
c) Promote the facilities of the allotments and encourage its use for the benefit of the community.
d) Propose new annual allotment fees, prior to the December Parish Council meeting for approval by full council for the following financial year.
e) Manage all aspects of allocating allotments including the allocation of allotments to persons living outside the Parish if there is deemed to be insufficient take up by parishioners and after informing parishioners of the situation.
f) Have the power to review each application for renewal and refuse such application if to do so would compound or cause the continuation of a breach of the rules.
g) Set restrictions on the use of the allotments that they consider necessary for the good governance of the allotments.
h) Be responsible for seeing that all Health and Safety guidance is up to date and that full compliance with all aspects of the Risk Assessment are met.
i) Examine all possible sources of funding, including sponsorship and grants.
j) Will carry out regular plot inspections, to ensure adherence of the plot holders Terms & Conditions and report back to the parish council any breaches.
k) Implement the Enforcement procedure.
The Parish Council will –
a. Carry out a formal overall Risk Assessment and review the safe operation of the allotments at least annually.
b. will set rules of conduct for all users of the allotments and enforce those rules.
6. Control of Finances and Declaration of Interest by Committee Members
a) All members of the Allotments Committee must declare an interest when issues are discussed that directly relate to the work of the Allotments.
b) The Parish Clerk will maintain an up-to-date list of all income and expenditure.
c) All banking will be done via the Parish Council bank account.
d) Accounts of the Allotments Committee will be audited annually.
e) The Parish Clerk will run their accounts from April 1st to March 31st of the following year.
f) The Allotment Committee has an annual spending limit (01.04. – 31.03) of £500 without prior approval from Full Council, all payments must be agreed on a majority vote at an Allotment Committee Meeting.
01.05.2021 Addition of 6f Version 3:0
18.05.2022 – reviewed no amendments.
Revised policy adopted Nov 2023