Plot Holder Name |
Date: |
Plot Number(s) |
Date Plot(s) to be vacated by |
Reason for leaving.
Termination Change of circumstances |
Are there any long-term structures left in good condition on the plot? YES/NO |
Yes - add comments |
Has all rubbish been removed from the Allotments? YES/NO ** |
If no, date when it will be removed by |
Have all crops and personal equipment been removed? YES/NO |
No – add comments |
Has the plot been strimmed and left tidy? YES/NO |
No – add comments |
Any further actions & date to be completed by.
Gate Key Returned? YES/NO
Yes, gate deposit refunded.
Does the Allotment plot comply with all the above YES/NO
Yes, plot deposit refunded |
Plot Holder(s) Signature
Signed on behalf of Witham St Hughs Allotment Committee
** Rubbish is defined as whatever isn’t permitted on the plots as per the Terms & Conditions.
Date |
Amendments |
09/2023 |
Adopted Policy |
V1 |
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