WSHA January 2022 Minutes

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Witham St Hughs Parish Council

Minutes of Witham St Hughs Allotment Committee meeting held on Wednesday 26th January 2022 at 7pm, in the village hall. 

Present Cllr Harrison – Chairman, Cllr Bell, Claire Shepard Cargills Representative, Stuart Traves Cargills Representative & Karl Gandy Committee Member

4 members of the public

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk

A member of the public asked when the new allotments would be available that are due to be sited near the Phase 3 development on Warren Lane. Cllr Harrison made comment that no definite date had been set to move the allotments, but it would be at least two years away. As the plot holder is wanting to plan for next growing season assurances we’re given that under current lease 13 months’ notice has to be given by either the Parish Council or Cargill. No date is yet in mind as provision for the allotments is under Phase 3 of the village, it would be at least two years or more away. 

Agenda Items

1.   Welcome & Apologies

Apologies were received from Vanda Ward – Committee Member.

It was Resolved to accept the reason for absence – All Agreed.

2.   TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations. 

Cargills representatives – Claire Shepherd & Stuart Traves.

Karl Gandy Plot Holder

3.   Notes of the Allotment Committee meeting held on Wednesday 24th November 2021 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed, signed by Chairman.

4.   Clerks Update 

The Clerk had asked the NAS regarding the best way to combat vermin at the allotments – she was still awaiting a reply.

The invoices with the revised prices had been sent out for the year 2022/2023

The clerk had received an email from a plot holder saying he would not be renewing his tenancy for the following year, he would be leaving his shed & fruit trees, the clerk confirmed that the plot must be clear before they vacate the plot, including the shed & trees. Liaison officer to ask potential plot holders if they wish to take on this plot with the shed and trees and will also seek out any current plot holder looking for a shed. 

No further correspondence had been received from the plot holder who had been given an enforcement notice and asked to get the wasps nests removed from his plot. He had not returned his gate key, even though the Clerk had sent him an email.

The clerk was asked to write to the plot holder asking for an update. 

5.   Report from Liaison Officer to include 

a.   Update on the clearing of the rubbish.

A skip was still required to clear the rest of the rubbish, nothing much had happened at the allotments with it being the winter.

b.   Vacant Plot numbers.

There are currently 4 full plots & 4 half plots available

A couple of inspections were still due to be carried out for new plot holders. 

6.   To consider the option of workshops at the Allotments, for plot holders and non-plot holders.

An existing plot holder had offered to hold workshops at the allotments to show people how to make compost, grow vegetables & flowers from seed ect. He considered it a good opportunity for plot holders & residents to meet and swap ideas.

The plot holder would make sure that people booked their place, he would ensure the gate was locked & unlocked for the session, hand gel would be used. He has public liability insurance in place cover to the workshops as it is a registered charity.

After discussions it was Resolved to accept the offer – all agreed, show of hands. 

7.   Date & time of the next meeting.

27th April 2022 at 7pm.