WSHA April 2023 Minutes

WSH PC crest

Minutes of Witham St Hughs Allotment Committee meeting held on Monday 24th April 2023 at 7pm, in the village hall. 

Present Cllr Karen Harrison - Chair, Claire Shepherd Cargills Representative & Stuart Traves Cargills Representatives, Vicky Trotter.

Rachel Popplewell – Parish Clerk.

4 members of the public.

Comments were received from the members of public regarding a seed swap/community shed, this had now been installed, just needed painting. A community folder is to be left there along with seed swaps. 

The levelling of the carpark was discussed – agenda item 7. 

Cargills representative along with the Chair confirmed that the parish council are on a 5-year rolling lease for the Allotment Land. The lease can be cancelled by at any time by either party but they must give 13 months’ notice. Currently there are no plans to cancel the lease.

Agenda Items

1.   Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received and accept from Cllr Bell. 

Electra Pearce absent.

2.   TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations. 

Cargills representatives – Claire Shepherd & Stuart Traves.

Allotment plot holders – Vicky Trotter.

3.   Notes of the Allotment Committee meeting held on Monday 23rd January 2023 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed, signed by Chair.

4.   To note the list of outstanding invoices for the year 2023/2024.

The Clerk made comment that 5 invoices were still outstanding, reminders have been sent via email. 

After discussions it was Resolved to terminate the tenancy agreements of the plot holders unless payment is received by 30.04.2023.

Action Clerk.

5.   Report from Liaison Officer.

Report sent in from Liaison Officer - Vacant Plot numbers – 3 full plots, 4 half plots.

6.   To set the date of the next allotment plot inspections.

After discussions it was Resolved to carry out the next plot inspections on 22nd May 2023 at 7pm. All plot holders to attend to attend if possible. 

With a follow up meeting to discuss the findings on 31st May 2023 7pm.

7.   To discuss repairing the carpark, costings to be approved by the Parish Council.

Standing orders were suspended to allow members of the public to join the discussion.

Comments were received regarding the condition of the carpark, that had developed large pot holes and dips. Causing it difficult for car to park there with out scraping the underneath of their cars.

The clerk was asked to contact the site manager of Phase 3 to ask for their advice on levelling the stones and repairing the holes. 

Costing – deferred.

Action Clerk.

Standing orders were reinstated.

8.   Date & time of the next meetings.

Allotment Plot inspections 22nd May 2023, 7pm at the allotments

Follow up meeting 31st May 2023 

Allotment Meeting Monday 24th July 2023.

Meeting closed 7.55pm.