WSHA May 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of Witham St Hughs Allotment Committee meeting held on Wednesday 31st May 2023 at 7pm, in the village hall. 

Present Cllr Karen Harrison - Chair, Claire Shepherd Cargill Representative & Stuart Traves Cargill Representatives, Vicky Trotter & Electra Pearce plot holders, Cllr Danny Bell & Cllr Derek Fletcher.

Rachel Popplewell – Parish Clerk.

5 members of the public.

Thanks were passed onto the committee for getting the carpark levelled, plots re-numbered and their commitment to getting the plots sorted and cleared of all rubbish. 

Agenda Items

1.   Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received and accept from Karl Gandy, plot holder. 

2.   TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations. 

Cargill representatives – Claire Shepherd & Stuart Traves.
Allotment plot holders – Vicky Trotter & Electra Pearce.

3.   To review the outcome of the recent allotment inspections, and to Resolve to approve any subsequent actions. 

The Clerk made comment that she had contacted NKDC for a price to remove the tyres from the plot. They needed a number to be collected. Plot holders to count the tyres and advise the Clerk.

Action Electra Pearce.

A request for a notice board to go on the outside of the shed was noted, notices to be put up inside the shed and laminated prior.

The Clerk was asked to issue warning letters to the plot holders identified after the inspections, highlighting the course of action required and the date of the next inspections.

Action Clerk.

Clerk to investigate cost of small claims court to recoup any fees incurred to clear the plots.

Action Clerk.

Cargill to consider a volunteer day to collect the rubbish from vacant plots. (Risk Assessments would be required).

Cargill to check the conditions of lease to have a bonfire and legal wording for the T&C about reclaiming costs.

Action Cargill Representatives.

4.   Date & time of the next meetings.

Follow up Allotment Plot inspections to be carried out by Vicky Trotter & Electra Pearce 2nd/3rd week in July. (prior to the next meeting)

Action Committee members.

Allotment Meeting Monday 24th July 2023.

Meeting closed 7.55pm.