October 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 18th October 2023 at 7.00pm at the village hall.

Present Cllr Karen Harrison - Chairman, Cllr Danny Bell - Vice Chair, Cllr Derek Fletcher & Cllr Charlie Strickland.

District Councillor Mitch Elliott made comment that the Fosse Green Energy consultation had been well attended.  Further public consultations are scheduled for early 2024.

Agenda Items

1.   Welcome and Apologies.

The Chair welcome everyone to the meeting.

District Councillor P Overton sent apologies. 

2.   TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

None received.

3.   Health & Safety brief.

The Clerk made comment the field was still under the responsibility of the Village Events Committee, after the Beer Festival. 

The Clerk made comment that the slide has been removed and the flooring made good, on Oak Tree/Hedge Lane Park. 

4.   Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 20th September 2023 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – all agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chairman.

5.   Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to approve any subsequent actions.

The Clerk made comment that a new training bulletin has been circulated. Councillors and the Clerk have recently attended training on planning, Councillor refresher and Chair & Clerk training. 

The Clerk has received a complaint from a resident on Squirrel Chase regarding the boundary fence between the field and the adjacent carpark. The complaint will be considered by Cllr Harrison & Cllr Bell prior to meeting the resident on 26.10.2023. 

The Chair has applied to Lost Village Festival for ‘Tea Together’ for Community Funding to help with hall hire costs. 

The Clerk has circulated an email regarding the road closure into Phase 3 from Camp Road, whilst a new roundabout is built. All traffic must now enter Phase 3 through the village via Warren Lane. 

6.   Finance

a.   To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated. 

It was Resolved to approve the list of payments – All Agreed, show of hands.

b.   To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 30.09.2023

The bank reconciliation as at 30.09.2023 was presented to council, showing the accounts balanced – signed by Cllr Bell.

c.   To review the budget as at 30.09.2023.

The Clerk made comment that the Council was at 129% of income and 57% of spending budget halfway through the year. 

Additional income being the receipt of CiL Levy’s of £40,639.18.

No amendments were required to the spending budget, all agreed – show of hands.

d.   To approve the costs to repair/replace the sound system & AMP at the village hall. 

Cllr Harrison declared and interest in this agenda item. Cllr Harrison left the room and did not partake in the discussions or the vote. 

The Clerk made comment that the sound system was broken at the village hall, repair costs being £1500.

The Village Events Committee and Witham Newbar have offered to contribute £500 each towards the repairs, they have asked the parish council to consider the same amount to cover the costs.

Cllr Bell proposed the parish council contribute the same amount £500, seconded by Cllr Strickland. It was Resolved to accept the proposal. All agreed, show of hands. 

Cllr Harrison rejoined the meeting.

e.   To consider and approve the renewal quotes for the Gas & Electricity for the village hall.

The Clerk made comment that the electricity contract was up for renewal on the 03.01.2024. 

After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from EDF Energy for 24months. 

Standing Charge 25p per day. (no change)

Unit rate 29.9p/kWh (reduction of 48.6p/kWh)

All agreed, show of hands.

f.   To approve the quote to repair the hot water tank. 

Deferred to the next meeting, no quote received. 

7.   To review residents’ comments regarding the Fosse Green Energy Consultation events.

The Clerk made comment that Parish Councillors had attended the public consultation event on the 30th of September, giving resident’s opportunity to talk about the proposal to councillors. Discussion took place with views both for and against the application. After the event, the Parish Council reached out to residents asking them to email in with comments, none were received. 

The next public consultation will be in early 2024.

8.   To sign the Deed of Variation – Witham St Hughs Phase 3 (NK029/745)

The Clerk made comment that a Deed of Variation had been received from Lincolnshire County Council, which details a variation to amend some of the affordable housing provisions in the original S106 Agreement. After discussions it was Resolved to sign the Deed of Variation. All agreed, show of hands. 

9.   To consider the following planning application.

a.   Erection of illuminated sign on front elevation. 

Spradling UKN, 14 Electric Avenue, Witham St Hughs. Ref 23/1090/ADV

After discussion it was Resolved to submit ‘no comment’ to the application. 

10.   Update from NKDC Partner Engagement Event. 

Cllr Harrison attend the event, NKDC delivered their corporate plan, which set out their priorities and ambitions and the future direction of the Council. Discussions took place on how their plan fits in with our communities, and suggestions were well received.

11.   To review and approve any changes to the following policies.

a.   Public Participation at Parish Council Meetings. 

After discussions it was Resolved to review the policy no changes, all agreed – show of hands. 

All agreed – show of hands.

b.   Social Media Policy

After discussions it was Resolved to remove Instagram from the policy as the Parish Council only uses Facebook and to include Facebook comments are not the official way to contact the Parish Council, will we not enter an online debate or comment on a post unless a factual comment/response can be given. The recognised way to contact the parish council is via email, parish.clerk@withamsthughs-pc.gov.uk

12.   To confirm Remembrance Day Service & Arrangements.

Cllr Bell made comment that he had contacted all parties involved in the service. 

The Clerk made comment that the poppy wreath had been delivered.

Cllr Harrison offered to serve refreshments after the service             Action Clerk.    

8.20pm The parish council suspended standing orders to allow Cllr Marianne Overton to speak to Councillors.

Cllr Overton made comment that she had attended the consultation event from Fosse Green Energy. 

The Government had made a ‘u’ turn on taking climate change although Lincolnshire County Council are still committed to achieving Net Zero by 2030.

The closure of Railway Station ticket offices had received over 680,000 objections.    

Standing Orders were re-instated at 8.30pm

13.   Play Parks Update.

a.   To consider the quotes to replace and upgrade the Playparks. (subject to quotes being received).

Deferred – quotes only received today 18.10.2023. 

b.   To approve the costs for the quarterly inspections.


14.   Village Hall Extension Update.

The Clerk made comment that a new list of priorities had been forwarded onto Lindum Construction, following the online poll from the working group.  Councillors and members of the group had then met up with Lindum to discuss and ensure that the revised outline plans represented the priority list. 

Lindum would then send over costings and drawings for the November meeting. 

15.   Date & Time of the next meeting.

Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 15th November 2023 at 7.00pm

Meeting closed 8.50pm