March 2023 Minutes
Witham St Hughs Parish Council
Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th March 2023 at 7.00pm at the village hall.
Present Cllr Karen Harrison - Chairman, Cllr Danny Bell - Vice Chair, Cllr Spencer Hall, Cllr Derek Fletcher, Charlie Strickland & Cllr Emma Winser
Rachel Popplewell - Parish Clerk.
No public comments
Apologies were received from Cllr Marianne Overton & Cllr Peter Overton
Agenda Items
1. Welcome and Apologies.
The Chair welcome everyone to the meeting.
No apologies.
2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.
3. Health & Safety brief.
The Clerk made comment that the caretaker, litter picker & Clerk had attended the Health & Safety training.
4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th February 2023 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – all agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chairman.
5. Notes of the Closed Session Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th February 2023 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – all agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chairman.
6. Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to approve any subsequent actions.
The Clerk made comment that she had received and email from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, with details of the Archer survey. Results are detailed below.
The technical data recording equipment was located on various roadside furniture, and they commenced on the 23rd of February 2023. They continued for a full seven-day period.
Analysis of the speed data showed that the average speed of vehicles at the locations as follows:
A. Camp Road (between A46 and Warren Lane) was 39.6 mph in a 40-mph limit. The speed data showed evidence that some vehicles were exceeding the speed limit at a speed that would make the drivers liable to action or prosecution by the Police.
B. Camp Road (between Warren Lane and Hedge Lane) was 33.2mph in a 40-mph limit. The speed data showed evidence that some vehicles were exceeding the speed limit at a speed that would make the drivers liable to action or prosecution by the Police.
C. Warren Lane (adjacent to the school fence line) was 20.5mph in a 30-mph limit. The speed data showed evidence that some vehicles were exceeding the speed limit at a speed that would make the drivers liable to action or prosecution by the Police.
I have researched the collisions involving personal injury for the last 3-year period up to a data date of 28/02/2023 and there have been no recorded collisions at any of the locations.
The Government is committed to ensuring that the process for deploying speed cameras is transparent and that cameras are only used at locations where they can make a demonstrable reduction in speed related casualties. The only form of speed enforcement that the LRSP can carry out is with the use of speed cameras; however, the site selection process must comply with the criteria set out by the Department for Transport. This criterion includes locations where there is a history of speed related injury collisions supported by evidence of a high degree of non-compliance with the speed limit. In that respect Lincolnshire Police through the Road Safety Partnership adheres to the site selection criteria set out by the Department for Transport to ensure that the process is completely transparent and that cameras are only used as a casualty reduction measure. The results of the survey together with an analysis of the collision data show that the criteria required for either fixed or mobile speed camera enforcement is not met for any survey site.
Speed cameras are only one part of Lincolnshire Police Speed Enforcement Strategy and the details of the surveys have been shared with the Neighbourhood Policing Team, Safer Roads Team, and the Roads Policing Unit for them to undertake enforcement when resourcing allows of which we have no control over.
The 85%ile refers to the 85th percentile speed at or below which 85 percent of the drivers will drive with open roads and favourable conditions. The assumption underlying the 85th percentile speed is that most drivers will operate their vehicle at speeds they perceive to be safe.
The ‘SAW’ refers to those drivers that would fall within the option of receiving a Speed Awareness Course instead of prosecution.
Discussion took place and it was agreed that the Parish Council would investigate the possibility of a school crossing patrol person to be put in place. Cllr Strickland raising concerns that the main issue isn’t the speed but drivers try to overtake the motorists who do stop to allow pedestrians to cross.
Action Clerk.
The Clerk made comment that she had received a quote to repair the gates at Warren Lane Park, another quote would be required. Cllr Hall offered to source a contractor to quote for the repairs.
Action Cllr Hall.
The Clerk made comment that there are a few invoices that are overdue for hall hire, reminder emails have already been sent with the emphasis being they are to be paid before the end of the tax year.
Clerk to monitor.
The Clerk made comment that she had sent out the agenda/invite for the Annual Parish Meeting, being held on Wednesday 22nd March 2023.
7. Finance
a. To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated.
It was Resolved to approve the list of payments – All Agreed, show of hands.
b. To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 28.02.2023
The bank reconciliation as at 28.02.2023 was presented to council, showing the accounts balanced – signed by Cllr Strickland.
c. To consider the quotes to install a new notice board at the Co-op.
3 quotes were presented for consideration.
After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from Staples Office supplies for £127.40 + VAT.
All agreed, show of hands.
Action Clerk.
8. To review & adopt the following policies.
a. Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
b. Communications Policy
c. Community Engagement Policy
d. Abusive, Persistent or Vexatious Complaints Policy
e. Health & Safety Policy
After discussions it was Resolved to accept the polices.
All agreed – show of hands.
9. To consider the possible options for a new piece of equipment for the Hedge Lane play park.
Cllr Strickland made comment that new flooring would need to be included in the quotes, as any replacement piece of equipment would be a different size. No quotes were presented for consideration.
Deferred to the next meeting.
Action Cllr Strickland.
10. Village Hall extension update.
Cllr Harrison made comment that initial plans had been received from Lindum Construction, the outline of the extension had incorporated some the ideas presented by the parish council, nothing had changed inside the existing building.
Lindum Construction to issue revised draft plans, It was discussed that once initial thoughts are captured that a working group would be set up to take the project forward to consultation stage with the parishioners.
11. Cluster meeting update.
Richard Fenwick attended the meeting.
Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership was discussed and how it is funded.
12. LIVES training to include CPR & Defib, to agree costs and availability across the cluster.
The Chair made comment that the costs for a training event would be £150 for 12-20 people. A new Defib was in the process of being installed at the old Officers Quarters in the village. The Chair proposed that a training event be advertised to residents and to committee members of the Cluster supported with a donation to LIVES.
Seconded by Cllr Bell, All agreed – show of hands.
Action Cllr Harrison.
Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 19th April 2023 at 7.00pm
Meeting closed 9.15pm