August 2023 Minutes
Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 16th August 2023 at 7.00pm at the village hall.
Present Cllr Karen Harrison - Chairman, Cllr Danny Bell - Vice Chair, Cllr Derek Fletcher, Cllr Nick Yeatts-Walker, Cllr Hannah Tannock & Cllr Charlie Strickland.
Agenda Items
1. Welcome and Apologies.
The Chair welcome everyone to the meeting.
Cllr P Overton & Cllr M Overton sent apologies.
2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.
Cllr Bell for agenda items 8a & 8c
3. Health & Safety brief.
The Clerk made comment the field was still under the responsibility of the Village Events Committee, after the Beer Festival. The open spaces contractor had made comment that the field still had cable ties & tent pegs in the field along with ruts made from the vehicles.
Fencing on the field closest to Squirrel Chase that has been taken out of the centre hedge needs to be removed.
The broken slide needs to be removed on Oak Tree Park; this has warning tape on to advise residents not to use.
4. Parish Councillor accountability, responsibility & dates for the diary.
Chair reiterated the Parish Councillor role and responsibilities and how communication is responded to.
Dates for the diary were shared for the Cluster meeting on 4th September, Parish Councillor Surgery on the 2nd of September and Litter picking event on the 19th of August.
5. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 18th July 2023 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – all agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chairman.
6. Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to approve any subsequent actions.
Further to the Health & Safety agenda item, a £600 budget was approved to get the slide removed – All agreed, show of hands.
The Clerk made comment that the conifers have been removed by the resident on Privett Walk.
The overhanging hedge has been cut back on Cuckoo Walk, after being contacted by the Clerk.
The painting of the toilets and kitchen block has been started, with thanks being passed onto the caretakers for the painting and Witham New Bar for supplying the paint.
The new fence has been erected on the boundary of the field and Squirrel Chase.
The Clerk reminded Councillors that the Remembrance Day Service would need to be organised, with a request for volunteers to help.
The Clerk made comment that an underpayment of National Insurance had been highlighted of £2785.00, covering tax years 2021 – to date, after investigation this has now been paid.
7. Finance
a. To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated.
It was Resolved to approve the list of payments – All Agreed, show of hands.
b. To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 31.07.2023.
The bank reconciliation as at 31.07.2023 was presented to council, showing the accounts balanced – signed by Cllr Bell.
c. To consider the quotes to purchase replacement blinds at the village hall.
The clerk presented 3 quotes for consideration, after discussions it was Resolved to approve the quote from North Notts Blinds at a cost of £583.33 + VAT. All agreed – show of hands.
d. To discuss & approve the costs to remove the remaining rubbish from the Allotment Plots.
Deferred until after the inspections on the 29.08.2023.
8. To Consider the following planning applications.
a. T1 Oak, end weight reduction of approx. 1.5m on 2 limbs, remove dead wood over bungalow.
14b Cheshire Lane, Witham St Hughs. Ref – 23/0882/TPO
After discussions it was Resolved to submit the following comments, all agreed show of hands.
“The parish council will be guided by the registered tree surgeon who will carry out the work, ensuring all works are approved by the Tree Officer”.
b. Erection of business signs to building and free-standing signs (retrospective).
Units 2&3 Electric Avenue, Witham St Hughs. Ref – 23/0854/ADV
After discussions it was Resolved to submit ‘No Comment’ to the application. All agreed, show if hands.
c. Erection of two storey extension to side elevation incorporating a single storey element extending to rear. 12 Cheshire Lane, Witham St Hughs. Ref – 23/0763/HOUS
After discussion it was Resolved to submit the following comments, approved on a majority vote 4:1 “The parish council are concerned that the roots of the older trees currently protected by a TPO, in the area will be impacted by the extension and as such may result in the trees having to be removed”.
d. Reserved matters submission for the strategic landscaping around Cells 2,3 and 5 (part) of Phase III as required by conditions 1,4 and 6 of the outline planning permission 15/1347/OUT -Erection of up to 1,100 dwellings and 150 care/retirement units.
(C2/C3), the formation of a roundabout to Camp Road, A46 junction improvement works,
public open spaces and associated service infrastructure (outline with means of access)
Witham St Hughs Phase III East of Camp Road and North of Hannah
Crescent Witham St Hugh's. Ref – 23/0788/RESM
After discussions it was Resolved to submit the following comments
“The parish council supports the comments submitted by the Tree Officer”. All agreed, show of hands.
Cllr Bell Declared and Interest in Agenda points 8a & 8c, did not partake in the discussions or voting.
9. To consider, approve and adopt the following policies.
a. Reserves Policy
b. Project Management Policy
After discussions it was Resolved to adopt the new policies. All agreed, show of hands.
9pm – It was Resolved to suspend Standing Orders to consider point 3x, (meeting shall not exceed 2 hours). After discussions it was Resolved allow the meeting to continue to consider the remaining items on the agenda – All agreed, show of hands.
10. Play Parks Update.
Councillors had met with a representative from Kompan, who discussed possible designs for upgrading the parks. Costings to be provided.
Exercise to then be repeated twice more with different companies, as per Financial Regulations.
11. To discuss the Litter Picking Event & finalise details.
Cllr Bell, Cllr Strickland & Cllr Yeatts-Walker offered to help with the event, starting at 11am on Saturday 19th August, Clerk reminded them of H&S protocol, with high viz vests, gloves & grabbers to be given out on the day.
12. Village Hall Extension Update.
The working group had sent out a survey to residents, to gain feedback on what they would like to see from the new village hall, results to be shared at the next meeting.
Outside funding letters have been circulated to local companies.
Deadline for plans, fund and options has been set by the Parish Council of November 2024.
13. Meeting Update with FA, and next step required.
A meeting had been held with Lincolnshire Football Association, who had had outlined the process for grant funding applications to build new changing rooms, 3G pitches and pitch maintenance.
Information would be sent through to start the process of applying for grant, initially for pitch maintenance.
14. Date & Time of the next meeting.
Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 20th September 2023 at 7.00pm
Meeting closed 9.30pm.