September 2024 Minutes
Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 19th September 2024 at 7pm at the village hall.
Present Cllr Danny Bell – Chair, Cllr Karen Harrison – Vice Chair, Cllr Colin Cook & Cllr Charlie Strickland
1 member of the public.
Agenda Items
1. Welcome and Apologies.
Cllr Bell welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr Henson; it was Resolved to accept the reason for absence and the apology – All agreed, show of hands.
The Chair made comment that Cllr Derek Fletcher had resigned from the Council, thanks were passed on to Cllr Fletcher for his support and work within the council, especially on the play parks.
2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.
None received.
3. To Resolve to fill by Co-option the Parish Councillor Vacancy.
The Clerk made comment that a resident had applied for one of the Parish Councillor vacancies. The candidate had sent in a résumé that had been previously circulated.
Cllr Harrison proposed to co-opt Mr Mark Gascoigne on to the Parish Council, seconded by Cllr Bell. A majority vote in favour of the co-option was received.
Mr Gascoigne then signed his Acceptance of Office form.
The Chair welcomed Cllr Gascoigne to the Parish Council.
4. Health & Safety brief.
The Clerk made comment that the gate to the balance pond has been repaired and refitted.
The Clerk was asked to check if the gate should be locked or just closed. Action Clerk.
All the plastic signs have now been broken off the gates to the play parks, it was suggested that the signs be replaced but to me made of metal. Clerk was asked to get quotes Action Clerk.
5. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 22nd August 2024 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – all agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chair.
6. Clerks Update & Correspondence - to Resolve to approve any subsequent actions.
The Clerk made comment that the new benches have been installed at the play parks.
The application for the Rural England Prosperity Fund has been submitted.
The field behind the hall, scheduled for the school expansion has now been transferred to Lincolnshire County Council.
The parish council had received an offer of one tonne bag of salt from Lincolnshire County Council, it was recommended that it be stored undercover. After discussion it was Resolved to accept the offer and for it to be stored at the school. All agreed – show of hands.
An email has been received from Strawson’s about parking in the village centre, on yellow lines and outside of parking bays leading to bad visibility or people crossing in between cars. Is there anything the parish council can do help alleviate the problem? After discussions it was Resolved that there was nothing the parish council can do to help, the village car park is on private land and the responsibility of Strawson’s. The cars that park on yellow lines outside of this area are the responsibility of Lincolnshire County Council who have already investigated this matter via the District Councillor.
The Clerk asked that a response be sent to Lindum, following the meeting at the beginning of August. Cllr Bell offered to contact. Action Cllr Bell.
Witham juniors asked if they could use the field behind the village hall for their sessions, to rest the main pitch. Councillors confirmed that was a good idea.
The Clerk confirmed that an additional sum from the insurance company of £1666 has been paid out to a resident that injured themselves, the case is now closed.
7. Finance.
a. To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated.
It was Resolved to approve the list of payments – all agreed show of hands.
Councillors Resolved to withhold payment to Playdale Playgrounds until the outcome of the complaint has been resolved. All agreed - show of hands.
b. To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 31.08.2024
The bank reconciliation as at 31.08.2024 was presented to council; showing the accounts balanced – signed by Cllr Harrison.
c. To consider the quotes to clean Cuckoo Walk blocked paved area.
The quotes had been previously circulated for consideration, after discussions it was Resolved to approve the quote of £1200 from SJA Exterior Services. – All agreed, show of hands.
8. To consider the Scouts request for a charity discount on their hall hire.
Cllr Strickland Declared and Interest in this agenda item and did not participate in the discussion or vote.
Cllr Bell made comment that the village Scouts group have now been given charity status and have asked if they could have the 50% charity discount applied to all their bookings.
After discussions it was Resolved to approve the request and apply the discount to the 26th Witham Scout Group booking, w.e.f from October half term. All agreed – show of hands.
9. To discuss Remembrance Day Service.
Cllr Harrison made comment that the Vicar that we usually use for our service was unable to make it this year with no one else from the Withamside Church able to lead the service.
Cllr Cook offered to speak with a resident who may be able to help with the service, all other arrangements are to be put in place as normal. Action Cllr Harrison, Cllr Bell, Cllr Cook & Clerk.
A £50 donation will be sent to the Royal British Legion.
10. To review Personnel Committee members.
Cllr Cook made comment that following the resignation of Cllr Fletcher, there was now a vacancy on the Personnel Committee.
After discussions it was Resolved to appoint Cllr Gascoigne to the committee, all agreed – show of hands.
11. To review the following policies
a. Complaints Procedure & Handling method
b. Councillor Vacancy & Co-option Policy
c. Whistleblowing Policy
After discussions the policies were reviewed, it was Resolved to amend the wording for each policy. Revised copies for the website. All agreed – show of hands.
12. Play Parks update to include
a. Update on the complaint to Playdale Playgrounds.
The Clerk made comment that no correspondence had been received from Playdale, even though 2 chasing emails had been sent. A summons had been received for the outstanding payment. (agenda item 7a)
Clerk was asked to re-contact Playdale, regarding the issues picked up on the Annual Inspection Report, for the new Playdale equipment, and to discuss the gesture of goodwill. Action Clerk.
b. To resolve to agree any necessary repairs following the annual inspection.
The Clerk confirmed that Councillors are not insured to carry out the repairs to any play equipment, although they could do any sanding/painting. The Clerk was asked to contact Paul Compton to review the reports, for the very low/low risk findings and ask his opinion regarding safety. Action Clerk.
c. Play Park monthly inspections.
After discussions it was Resolved that Cllr Gascoigne would carry out weekly visual inspections of the play parks and record any findings. Action Cllr Gascoigne.
d. To resolve to agree the £1700 match funding contribution for the REPF grant application.
After discussions it was Resolved to approve the match funding contribution of £1700 for the REPF grant application. All agreed – show of hands.
13. To consider the quotes to repair the footpaths behind Warren Lane balance pond.
Deferred to the next meeting – awaiting further quotes.
Cllr Harrison offered to contact Thomas Bow to discuss their quote. Action Cllr Harrison.
14. To discuss the information from Lincs FA and to agree any actions.
Cllr Harrison made comment that North Kesteven District Council has a 10-year plan for investment, due for review in May 2025. This followed on from a conversation with Lincs FA regarding pitches in the village and future investments. A meeting with all the users of the field to form a plan and to gauge their interest and requirements for Phase 3 to be scheduled. (changing rooms/3D pitch ect ..)
Meeting date Thursday 10th October 2024. Action Clerk.
15. To investigate the costs for a new MUGA v the quote from Strawson’s
After discussions it was Resolved not to accept the quote from Strawson’s to relocate the MUGA, Councillors will investigate options and costings separately, all agreed, show of hands. The Parish Council have S106 monies available for the MUGA. Action All Councillors.
16. To consider costings from Strawson to enlarge the play park area by 20% and carpark by additional 15 spaces.
After discussions it was Resolved to not accept Strawson’s offer to extend the park by an additional 20 % or the car park by an extra 15 spaces due to the extra cost, for both projects. All agreed, show of hands.
17. To consider the quote from the arborist to carry out a more detailed survey for tree planting.
Deferred to the next meeting.
18. To consider the following planning application.
Cllr Gascoigne Declared an Interest in this agenda item and did not partake in the discussions.
a. T1 – Cherry Trees x 3 – fell
T4 – alder, clear overhead streetlight and to side between two woodlands.
T6 – Oak – raise canopy on corner of Nettleton Drive near no80 to 5.2 meters.
T5 – Oaks – raise canopy on oaks opposite 43-51 Gibson Green to 5.2 meters.
Ref – 24/1064/TPO - Woodland adjacent to Gibson Green & Nettleton Drive.
After discussions the parish council Resolved to be guided by the Tree Officer at NKDC for comments. All agreed – show of hands.
19. Staffing
The Parsh Council Resolved to move into closed session, all agreed - show of hands.
Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press & public under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
The Clerk made comment that the Litter Pickers probationary had expired.
Confirmation of a permanent appointment needed to be approved and sent in writing.
Positive comments were received regarding the standard of work and her commitment to the role, after discussions it was Resolved to offer the position on a permanent basis – all agreed, show of hands. Action Clerk
Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 16th October 2024 at 7pm, no public comment.
Meeting closed 9.10pm.