February 2024 Minutes

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Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 21st February 2024 at 7.00pm at the village hall.

Present Cllr Karen Harrison - Chairman, Cllr Danny Bell – Vice Chair, Cllr Charlie Strickland & Cllr Derek Fletcher

Rachel Popplewell - Clerk

Cllr M Elliott – District Councillor

4 members of the public.

Cllr Elliott made comment regarding Devolution and the 3-tier structure proposal. 

The first meeting of the ‘Stop Fosse Green’ group will be held on the 27th March 2024 at Witham St Hughs. 

Councillors asked Cllr Elliott to investigate who was responsible for installing new bins on the Phase 3 development, no response has been received from North Kesteven District Council or Strawson’s as to who’s responsibility it is.  

Agenda Items

1.   Welcome and Apologies.

The Chair welcome everyone to the meeting.

2.   TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

Cllr Harrison Declared an Interest for agenda item 11b & 11c.

3.   To Resolve to fill by Co-option Parish Councillor Vacancies.

The Chair made comment that two applicants had applied for the Parish Councillor vacancies. Each candidate had sent in a résumé. 

Cllr Harrison proposed to co-opt Mr Colin Cook on to the Parish Council, seconded by Cllr Bell. A majority vote in favour of the co-option was received.

Mr Cook then signed his Acceptance of Office form.

Cllr Harrison proposed to co-opt Mr Tim Henson on to the Parish Council, seconded by Cllr Bell. A majority vote in favour of the co-option was received. 

Mr Henson then signed the Acceptance of Office form. 

The Chair welcomed Cllr Cook & Cllr Henson to the Parish Council. 

4.   Health & Safety brief.

Nothing to report.

5.   Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 17th January 2024 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – all agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chair.

6.   Notes of the Extra-ordinary Paris Council meeting held on Thursday 8th February 2024 to be approved as minutes. 

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – all agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chair.

7.   Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to approve any subsequent actions.

The Clerk made comment that the start date for the installation of the new play equipment was the 11th March 2024. The works would take 2 weeks to complete. 

The notices for the field to be transferred to the school had been circulated, currently only 2 comments had been received from residents, these had been forward to LCC & NKDC for a response. 

S106 monies have been received to cover most of the costs for the new play equipment of £45,257.00.

Communication has been received regarding the D-Day 80 celebrations for the 6th June, to include a Beacon/lamp lighting and ringing of church bells. The WI, Scouts have agreed to help plan an event for the 6th June 2024

Action Cllr Strickland.

Date for the diary – Annual Parish Meeting – 4th April 2024 at 7pm

The Clerk asked Councillors to consider moving June & August Parish Council meeting dates to the 18th June 2024 & 20th August 2024, the request was approved. 

The Clerk advised Councillors to consider arranging a meeting with the Village Events Group to discuss moving the containers. Cllr Bell offered to meet with the Village Events Group – date to be confirmed. 

Action Clerk.

Phase 2 walk round has been scheduled for the 8th March, with Strawson’s, Councillors were asked to attend along with both of the opens spaces contractors. 

8.   Finance

a.   To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated. 

It was Resolved to approve the list of payments – All Agreed, show of hands.

b.   To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 31.01.2024

The bank reconciliation as at 31.01.2024 was presented to council, showing the accounts balanced – signed by Cllr Bell.

c.   To renew membership of the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils Training Scheme. 

It was Resolved to renew the membership, renewal cost of £165.00. All agreed – show of hands.

d.   To approve the purchase of a new notice board for the village hall (retrospectively).  

After discussions it was Resolved to approve the purchase of a new notice board. All agreed – show of hands. 

9.   To consider the proposal that Witham St Hughs Parish Council, be nominated for membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme with effect from 01.04.2024. 

After discussions it was Resolved to approve Witham St Hughs Parish Council be nominated for membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme with effect from 01.04.2024. All officers employed by the Parish Council in future are also deemed to be herewith nominated for membership of the scheme.

All agreed – vote by show of hands.

Action Clerk.

10.   To Resolve to instruct Parish Council Solicitors to transfer the area of land at the rear of the hall, from the Parish Council to Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) for the school expansion. Planning Ref – 15/1347/OUT.

The Chair made comment that under the S106 agreement, once the area of open space on Warren Lane had been adopted by the Parish Council, the field identified for the school expansion would then be transferred to LCC.  

After discussions it was Resolved to approve Solicitors to raise the paperwork to transfer the field to LCC. All agreed – Show of hands.

Action Clerk.

Cllr Harrison Declared an Interest in Agenda item 11. Cllr Harrsion left the room and did not partake in the discussions. 

Cllr Bell – Chaired this agenda item.

11.   To review the village hall Terms & Conditions to include -  

b. Review of hall hire hourly rates.

After discussions it was Resolved to set the hall hire rates w.e.f  1st April 2024 to the following – All agreed, show of hands.

Small Hall – £11 per hour
Large Hall – £13 per hour
Both Halls – £20 per hour
Football Pitch hire - £25.
Football Pitch Hire Plus Changing rooms - £45 per match.

Clerk to advise.

c. Community Groups hire fee.

Cllr Bell Outlined the groups that fall into the ‘Community Groups’ hire, which denoted how much they pay for hall hire. They currently pay £11 per booking regardless of how long they have the hall. 

Cllr Bell proposed that the ‘Community Groups’ be disbanded and that the groups affected to be bought onto the same charging tariff as regular bookers, with either a 10% or 50% discount. After discussions it was Resolved to reject the proposal on a majority vote. Councillors adding that it would have a detrimental effect on the groups, the T&C’s of the hall would be overhauled & reviewed once the hall extension was completed. 

3 against -  1 in favour.  

Cllr Harrison rejoined the meeting.

a.   The addition of large events deposits.

Cllr Bell outlined his proposal, for any large event to pay an upfront deposit to cover any damage to the hall and/or field, along with a schedule of fees for utilities.

To be presented to Council next month for full consideration.

12.   To approve the addition of two areas of open space, to be transferred to the Parish Council, under the Reserved Matters Application, ref- 22/1478/RESM.

The Clerk presented the map of the areas to be transferred. Councillors requested further information regarding this before deciding.

Clerk to contact.

13.   To discuss the area of land to be transferred from Strawson’s to the Parish Council, to allow the lease to be drawn up for the 26th Lincoln Scouts. 

Comments were made regarding the area of land that is to be transferred to the Scouts. The scout group will be able to access funding to build a new scout hut once they have a lease in place. The Parish Council have approached Strawson’s to ask if the area ear-marked for the Scouts could be transferred to the Parish Council ahead of any area of Phase 3, so a lease can be drawn up for the Scouts. The area identified has been forwarded to Strawson’s for their consideration. 

14.   To review the following policies. 

a.   Subject Access Request

b.   Data Breach

c.   Data Protection Policy

d.   Data Map

e.   Records Retention Policy

f.   To receive the GDPR security compliance checklist from councillors. 

After discussions it was Resolved accept the policies, no amendments required, checklists were received from all Councillors. All agreed – show of hands. 

15.   To approve the plans for the village hall extension.

Councillors considered revised plans for the village hall extension, with alterations to the internal configurations. The Clerk was asked to forward to Lindum Construction.

Further questions were raised around what the next step is, in the process.

Action Clerk.

16.   Date & Time of the next meeting.

Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 20th March 2024 at 7.00pm

Meeting closed 9 pm