February 2022 Minutes
Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 16th February 2022 at 7.00pm at the village hall.
Present Cllr Jason Snape Vice-Chair, Cllr Emma Houghton & Cllr Spencer Hall.
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
District Councillor Peter Overton
2 members of public
Cllr Overton made comment that the district councils’ budget was due to be agreed on the 03.03.2022 with an increase of 2% being proposed, with the county council proposing a 5% increase.
There is still a shortfall of £12 million for highway repairs at the county council.
The applications are open for an additional COVID grant to be claimed for businesses, from the district council.
Apologies were received from Cllr Marianne Overton.
Agenda Items
1. Welcome & Apologies.
Cllr Snape Chaired the meeting in the absence of Cllr Harrison.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr Bell, due to work commitments.
It was Resolved to accept the reason for absence and the apology.
2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.
None received.
The Clerk re-iterated that is the Councillors responsibility to keep their Declaration of Interests’ form up to date, should they have any change in their circumstances.
3. Health & Safety brief.
The Clerk made comment that she had received details of a resident injuring themselves on the field behind the hall, when they stumbled in a rut, possibly made by a car tyre.
The incident has been logged with the parish council’s insurance company.
4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 19th January 2022.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All Agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chairman.
5. Clerks Update.
The Clerk made comment that the parish council has a change of contact at Strawsons, due to the Mr Adrian Sail retiring. Thanks were passed onto Mr Sail for his support to the parish council.
2 New bins have been installed on Camp Road, one purchased by the Parish Council one by St Modwen, thanks were passed onto St Modwen for their continued support in helping keep the approach road into the village tidy.
The new tables had been ordered they are due for delivery on the 25.02.2022, thank you to the VHEC for agreeing to purchase the tables.
A new defibrillator battery had been ordered as it was due to expire at the end of February.
The clerk confirmed that a new bank account had been opened at Unity Trust Bank, it was Resolved transfer £85,000 into the new account
Action Clerk.
The Clerk confirmed that she had applied for the Precept for 2022/2023 & also S106 monies that were due to the council.
The Clerk made comment that she had received a request to put a Temporary Events Notice on a booking for December 2022, as after discussions it was Resolved to not allow the request, due to noise when leaving the premises.
Action Clerk.
6. Finance.
a. To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated.
It was Resolved to approve the list of payments – All agreed, show of hands.
b. To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 31.01.2022
The bank reconciliation as at 31.01.2022 was presented to the council, showing the accounts balanced – signed by Cllr Houghton.
7. To consider the quotes to replace the fence at the rear of the village hall.
The Clerk made comment that she had received 2 quotes to replace the fence.
After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from Field Farm – all agreed, show of hands.
Action Clerk.
8. To consider the request to pay for the installation of the WI bench at a cost of £210.
The Clerk made comment that the WI had received a grant to purchase a bench which is to be sited on the grass area near the village hall. The grant wasn’t enough to include the installation cost of £210, the parish council had advised for security reasons that it would be better to have it secured down.
After discussions it was resolved to approve the request – all agreed, show of hands.
9. To consider the quotes to clear the ditch at the back of the hall.
The quotes had been previously circulated. After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from PPH Construction Ltd. All agreed – show of hands
Action Clerk.
10. To consider the quotes to clear the balance pond on Hedge Lane/warren Lane junction.
Deferred to the next meeting.
Cllr Harrison joined the meeting at 7.35pm.
11. To resolve to agree the increased allotment fees w.e.f. 01.04.2022 (retrospective)
It was proposed to increase the Allotment fees w.e.f. 01.04.2022 to the following
a. Half plot was £16pa Propose £22pa
b. Full Plot was £30pa Propose £40pa
c. Deposit was £20 & £40 Propose £50
d. Key deposit to stay the same £10.
After discussions the was resolved to approve the proposal – All agreed, show of hands.
12. To resolve to renew the subscription to LALC’s training scheme.
It was resolved to renew the subscription at a cost of £135 + VAT.
All agreed, show of hands.
Action Clerk.
13. To adopt & review the following policies.
The following policies were adopted without any amendments.
a. Subject Access Request Procedure
b. Data Protection Policy
c. Data Breach Policy
d. Privacy Notice.
The following two polices were deferred to the next meeting, further information was required
Action Clerk.
a. Records Retention Policy
b. Data Map
14. To consider the following planning application.
Application for consent to display advertisements for erection of no3 swan logo signs, the erection of a wayfinding totem sign at the entrance and no2 wayfinding signs on the phase 4 site.
St Modwen Park, Camp Road. Ref 22/0110/ADV.
After discussions it was Resolved to submit ‘No Comment’ to the application.
All Agree – show of hands.
15. Village Hall Extension discussions.
Cllr Harrison made comment that now building had started on Phase 3 of Witham St Hughs, the S106 money to extend the village hall would be released after the 300th home had been built. Plans would need to be drawn up by an architect.
Cllr Hall & Cllr Harrison offered to make further enquiries and to get names of possible architects.
Action Cllr Harrison & Cllr Hall.
16. Open spaces update
The Clerk made comment that the trees had been felled around Oak Tree Park, with half of the replacement trees being planted.
Comments had been received regarding the tree stumps that were left – ideas had been circulated such as painting noughts & crosses on them or wood carving… Cllr Hall offered to investigate ideas.
Action Cllr Hall.
17. Date & Time of next meeting.
Wednesday 16 March 2022 at 7pm.
Meeting Closed at 8pm.