May 2022 Minutes APCM
Witham St Hughs Parish Council
Minutes of Witham St Hughs Annual Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 18th May 2022 at 7.00pm at the village hall.
Present Cllr Karen Harrison, Cllr Danny Bell, Cllr Spencer Hall & Cllr Emma Houghton.
Rachel Popplewell – Parish Clerk
1 Member of public, District Councillor Overton & County Councillor Overton
Agenda Items
1. To Elect a Chairman for Witham St Hughs Parish Council for the ensuing year 2022/2023
The Chair asked for nominations for the appointment of Chairman for the year 2022/2023.
One nomination was received for Cllr Harrison. Cllr Hall Proposed that Cllr Harrison be elected as Chairman for the ensuring year, seconded by Cllr Houghton. All Agreed – show of hands.
2. To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form from the Chairman for 2022/2023
Cllr Harrison signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form.
3. To Elect a Vice-Chairman of Witham St Hughs Parish Council and to receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form. For the ensuing year 2022/2023
The Chair asked for nominations for the appointment of Vice Chairman for the year 2022/2023. One nomination was received for Cllr Bell. Cllr Harrison Proposed that Cllr Bell be elected as Vice Chairman for the ensuring year, seconded by Cllr Houghton. All Agreed – show of hands.
Cllr Bell signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form.
4. Public Forum – To resolve to suspend standing orders for a maximum of 20 minutes to allow members of public, District and County Councillors to make comment or ask questions.
It was Resolved to suspend Standing Orders for 20 mins to allow comments from the public & District & County Councillors – All Agreed, show of hands.
Comments were received from a member of the public regarding the newly repaired sections of the periphery paths. His observation being that the path restored on Pendred Avenue was not up to the same standard as the other repairs, Cllr Hall offered to walk the paths and contact the contractor if there was a discrepancy.
Action All Councillors.
Further comments were received regarding cyclist using the paths, the Chair confirmed that they are periphery paths not Footpaths.
Cllr Marianne Overton made comment that she had been busy with Ukrainian families, with over 150 refugees now resident in NKDC, fund raising events have been organised to help the families.
The Planning application for a chicken farm, which produces 300,000 broiler chickens had been approved & the application for a traveller’s site at Beckingham had been refused, on the grounds of ‘Cumulative impact’
Cllr Peter Overton made comment that the planning committee at NKDC had been slimmed down to fifteen councillors.
Responses to fly tipping and rubbish collections were being dealt within a good response time.
Cllrs’ Overton left the meeting at 7.25pm.
5. To Receive Apologies for Absence.
Apology had been received from Cllr Snape, it was Resolved to accept the apology & reason for absence, All agreed – show of hands.
6. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.
None received
7. Health & Safety brief.
The Clerk made comment that the insurance claim for a resident, after tripping on the field needed approval of the Council before being settle. After discussions it was Resolved approve the claim on the recommendation of the insurance companies’ assessor.
The Clerk made comment that all the open spaces in the village would need to be checked for any new defects (holes, tyre marks ect) on a regular basis.
The litter picker would do this whilst out walking, the councillors offered to monitor the field and report back weekly to the Clerk.
Ongoing action all Councillors.
The Chair made comment that the Clerk had conducted a Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment, due to her having tennis elbow, the outcome being that a new monitor, chair, keyboard & mouse mat was require. It was Resolved to approve the purchase of the items required Proposed Cllr Harrison, seconded Cllr Houghton – all agreed, show of hands.
Action Clerk.
8. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 20th April 2022 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All Agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chairman.
9. Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to approve any subsequent actions.
The Clerk made comment that two toilets had been ordered for the Platinum Jubilee to be sited at the village hall. The War Memorial story board original artwork had been sourced; this would now be passed to Lindum Joinery to make the new memorial.
Hedge Lane balance pond – just awaiting a start date from the contractors for it to be cleared. Sorrel Road balance pond – discussions were going to be held with Lincolnshire County Council to turn the area into a wildlife pond/wildlife area.
The new fence had been installed at the village hall, on the recommendations of the contractor they advised installing a new gate & extra fencing around the wheelie bins at a cost of £857.70 + VAT – it was Resolved to accept the quote for the extra work – all agreed show of hands.
Action Clerk.
10. To Appoint members to the following committees.
a. Personnel Committee - After discussions it was Resolved to appoint Cllr Hall, Cllr Bell, and Cllr Houghton to the Personnel Committee. All Agreed – show of hands.
b. Allotment Committee – After discussions it was Resolved to appoint Cllr Harrison & Cllr Bell to the Allotment Committee. All Agreed – show of hands.
11. Finance.
a. To Resolve to accept General Power of Competence (GPC).
The Chair made comment that the Clerk had recently passed her CiLCA qualification, this now allowed the council to accept GPC.
The Clerk confirmed that the council met the criteria, being that 2/3rds of the council were elected on at the last election in May 2019 and that the Clerk holds the relevant qualification. It was Resolved to accept GPC – All agreed, show of hands.
b. To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated.
It was Resolved to approve the list of payments – All agreed, show of hands.
c. To receive the Annual Bank Reconciliation as at 30.04.2022
The bank reconciliation as at 30.04.2022 was presented to the council, showing the accounts balanced – signed by Cllr Hall.
d. To Review the budget as at the yearend 31.03.2022
The Clerk presented the budget the council being at 102% of their spending budget and 222% of the income budget for 2021/2022. The extra income was the release of S106 monies from North Kesteven District Council.
e. To Resolve to consider opening two new savings accounts for the Parish Council.
Due to the limits set by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme the Clerk advised that the council should consider opening an additional two accounts.
After discussions it was Resolved to open a savings account with the Nationwide Building Society & the Cambridge Building Society.
12. To review and adopt the following policies.
After discussions it was Resolved to review & adopt the following policies – all agreed, show of hands
a. Standing Orders for the Council – no amendments required.
b. Financial Regulations for the Council. – no amendments were required
Resolved to accept variable direct debits.
Resolved to accept online Banking for Council Finances
c. Terms of Reference for the Personnel Committee – amendment required regarding the number of members on the Committee.
d. Terms of Reference for the Allotment Committee – no amendments required.
13. To Resolve to agree Parish Council meeting dates for the year 2022/2023
It was Resolved to accept the list of meeting dates and start time of 7pm for the ensuing year. To be published on the website.
Action Clerk.
14. To receive the Annual Internal Audit report
The Chair read out the internal audit report, where no irregularities were highlighted, the following comments were passed onto the Clerk, with the Chairman reiterating her thanks.
“The Parish Clerk/RFO should be acknowledged on providing excellent administration support and for keeping satisfactory financial records on behalf of the Parish Council.”
15. To consider, approve, and sign the Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022
The Annual Governance Statements were considered – it was Resolved to answer them all positively, signed by the Chair & Clerk.
16. To Approve and sign the Accounting Statements 2021/2022.
It was Resolved to approve the Accounting Statements as correct – All Agreed. Signed by the Chair & Clerk.
17. To Resolve to approve the donation to the Norton Disney Community Big Dig.
After discussions it was Resolved to donate £500 to the project – All Agreed – show of hands.
18. To Resolve to approve the purchase of Platinum Jubilee mugs for the children of Witham St Hughs Academy (retrospective)
It was Resolved to agree the purchase at a cost of £1250.20. All Agreed – show of hands.
19. To review the Asset Register as at 30.04.2022
After consideration an additional 5 benches were added to the register, it was then Resolved to approve the Asset Register – All agreed, show of hands.
20. To consider the quotes for the Parish Council Insurance – quotes previously circulated.
After consideration it was Resolved to accept the quote from BHIB on a 3-year LTA at a cost of £1190.13. All agreed – show if hands.
21. To consider the following planning application.
a. Reserved matters application for erection of 4 dwellings with access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be considered pursuant to planning permission 18/0095/OUT land adjacent, 1 Nettleton Drive, Witham St Hughs Ref – 21/1535/RESM.
After consideration it was Resolved to submit the following comments.
“we would like to reiterate our comments from the previous application 18/0095/OUT, please ensure that the footpath is reinstated by the developer prior to commencement of the building works, as this is a large foot fall area”
22. Village Hall Extension discussions.
Deferred to the next meeting
Wednesday 15th June 2022 at 7pm.
Meeting Closed at 8.33pm
The Parish Council Then Resolved to move into closed session to discuss the following.
Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press & public under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960.
1. Staffing to appointment of a second caretaker.
Cllr’s Houghton & Hall made comment that they had met with a candidate for the second caretaker role, the original person that was interviewed in April declined the job offer.
Cllr’s Houghton & Hall proposed that the candidate be appointed as the second caretaker, subject to him accepting the job description, with an immediate start date.
It was Resolved to accept the proposal All Agreed, show of hands.
Action Clerk.
Meeting close 8.50pm.