July 2022 Minutes

WSH PC crest

Witham St Hughs Parish Council

Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 20th July 2022 at 7.00pm at the village hall.



Cllr Karen Harrison – Chairman
Cllr Danny Bell – Vice Chairman
Cllr Spencer Hall

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk

Cllr Peter Overton – County Councillor.

Cllr Overton made comment that full council meeting had been held where the new Code of Conduct had been adopted.

Agenda Items

1.   Welcome and Apologies.

The Chair welcome everyone to the meeting.

Apologies had been received from Cllr Snape. It was Resolved to accept the apology & reason for absence, All Agreed show of hands.

Apologies were received from Cllr Marianne Overton.

2.   TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

None Received.

3.   Health & Safety brief.

Nothing Noted.

4.   Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th June 2022 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to accept the notes as minutes – all agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chairman.

5.   Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to approve any subsequent actions.

The Clerk made comment that – 

The memorial story board was still be constructed the wooden frame had been made Lindum Construction were awaiting the artwork from Allen Signs.

Youth Club are re-starting in September in line with school term time dates.

Councillors had met up with the footpaths contractor and agreed to repair another section of the periphery paths – quote to be sent through.

The agreed donation to the Big Dig hadn’t been sent through as the group hadn’t responded to the email confirming the parish council’s donation.

The Village Events Committee had asked if the marquee could be taken down the weekend after the Oktoberfest, after discussions it was Resolved that the marquee could be in place for two weekends only either the one before plus the weekend of the event or the one after plus the weekend of the event, as the village hall has bookings during the week and the marquee would limit use of the patio which is included in the hire terms for the hall.

Action Clerk.

The transfer of the new playing field was nearly completed with final paperwork at the solicitors.

The Deed of Variation for - Witham St Hughs Phase 3 (NK029/745) was considered, after discussions it was Resolved to accept the amendment

Action Clerk.

Monthly visual checks of the park were required by the council, each councillor was allocated a park to check – clerk to issue a check list

Action Clerk & All Councillors.

The Grass Cutting & hedges & Trees contracts would need to go out to tender for the next financial year, a list of possible contractors would need to be put together

Action Clerk & All Councillors.

Thanks were passed onto the WI for the new ‘Elevating Loneliness’ bench that had been installed at the village hall.

Cllr Harrison made comment that Rachel Popplewell the Clerk won runner up for Clerk of the Year at the LALC networking day – congratulations were passed on from all the councillors.

6.   Finance.

a.   To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated. 

It was Resolved to accept the list of payments – All Agreed, show of hands

b.   To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 30.06.2022.

The bank reconciliation as at 30.06.2022 was presented to council, showing the accounts balanced – signed by Cllr Bell.

c.   To review the budget as at 30.06.2022

The Budget was presented to council they should be at 25% of target at this point during the year - 

Income received being at 69% of target with next precept receipt due on the 01.09.2022.

Spending being at 92% of target (additional spending due to the repairs in footpaths, funds transferred in from reserves).

7.   To review the following policies.

a.   Privacy Notice 

b.   Accessibility Statement 

The policies were reviewed – no amendments were required.

It was Resolved to accept the policies, all agreed – show of hands.

8.   To consider the following planning applications -

a.   Proposed Tree Works. 18 Tall Pines Road. 

Ref 22/0941/TPO

After discussions to was Resolved to submit ‘no comment’ to the application – all agreed.

b.   Reserved Matters application for Phase 5 consisting of the proposed erection of commercial units comprising use Classes E, B2 and B8 (with details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale to be considered) pursuant to hybrid application 20/1523/FUL.

St Modwen Park Lincoln, Camp Road, Witham ST Hughs

Ref – 22/0803/RESM.

After discussions to was Resolved to submit ‘no comment’ to the application – all agreed.

c.   Reserved matters submission for the strategic landscaping of Green Infrastructure Sub Phases D1.2 and D1.3 as required by conditions 1,4 and 6 of outline planning permission 15/1437/OUT, and indicated on the approved Green Infrastructure Phasing Delivery Plan 5801-L-18 D, dated 4 June 2020 (and iterations thereof)

Witham St Hugh's Phase 3 East Of Camp Road, North Of Hannah Crescent Witham St Hugh's

Ref - 21/1195/RESM.

After discussions it was Resolved to submit the following comments for the application – show of hands all agreed. 

“The parish council still have concerns as previously noted April 2022 with reference to the hedge ownership. Areas of planting especially around balance ponds and shared parking will not give sufficient access to maintain and therefore needs to fall under the responsibility of home owners.”

9.   Village Hall Extension discussions and to agree any subsequent costs 

Cllr Harrison & Cllr Hall made comment that they had met with an architect to discuss the village hall extension. He outlined the process and what it entailed. Information regarding capacity and ideas of what the hall would be used for. The Chair made comment that projects for neighbouring parish councils had been managed by Lindum Construction via a scheme called ‘Scape’ who would project manage everything. The Clerk was asked to contact Lindum for more information.

Action Clerk.

10.   To Review the play parks annual inspection reports.

Cllr Harrison made comment that she had reviewed the reports, although anything highlighted was considered low risk, there were a few sanding and painting jobs that needed attention. Cllr Hall offered to contact a local tradesman for a quote to do the works.

Action Cllr Hall

11.   To consider the quote to install fencing around sorrel road balance pond & installation of posts for the life buoys. 

After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from Hill Holt Wood of £630 + VAT. All agreed – show of hands.

Action Clerk

12.   To agree the quote to clean Cuckoo Walk seating square & clean the graffiti from all play equipment.

After discussions to was Resolved to accept the quote from Lemonade Landscapes of £664.20 for Cuckoo Walk & £210 for the graffiti.   All agreed show of hands.

Action Clerk.

13.   To agree the white lining costs for the football pitch.

The Clerk made comment that costs to white line the pitch was £180+ Vat, it was Resolved to approve the costs – all agreed, show of hands.

Action Clerk.

Cllr Emma Winser joined the meeting at 8.30pm

14.   Parish Councillor Vacancies.
The Chair made comment that the council currently has 2 vacancies – a recruitment drive was needed. Suggestions received were to send, advertise the role to the local businesses Cargill, St Modwen ect.. and to re-advertise in the Staple and Herald.

15.   Code of Conduct Training.

The Clerk made comment that training was available for Councillors on the new Code of Conduct. All Councillors were now booked in for the either August or November.


Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 17th August 2022 at 7pm

Meeting Closed 8.45pm