February 2022 Agenda
The Village Hall, Caraway Drive
Witham St Hughs
Telephone: 01522 869643
E-mail: parish.clerk@withamsthughs-pc.gov.uk
Website address: witham-st-hughs.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and COUNCILLORS are SUMMONED to attend the next meeting of Witham St Hughs Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 16th February 2022 at 7pm in the village hall.
At which the under mentioned business will be transacted.
There will be a 10-minute public forum at the start of the meeting, followed by a further 10 minutes allocated to receive reports from County and District Councillors, your presence is required during this time.
All public questions must be sent in beforehand, with speaking restricted 3 minutes per person.
Rachel Popplewell
Parish Clerk
1. Welcome and Apologies.
2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.
3. Health & Safety brief.
4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 19th January 2022 to be approved as minutes.
5. Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to approve any subsequent actions.
6. Finance.
a. To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated.
b. To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 31.01.2022
7. To consider the quotes to replace the fence at the rear of the village hall.
8. To consider the request to pay for the installation of the WI bench at cost of £210.
9. To consider the quotes to clear the ditch at the back of the village hall.
10. To consider the quotes to clear the balance on Hedge Lane/Warren Lane junction
11. To resolve to agree the increased allotment fees w.e.f 01.04.2022 (retrospective)
12. To resolve to renew the subscription to LALC’s training scheme.
13. To adopt & review the following policies.
a. Records Retention Policy
b. Data Map
c. Subject Access Request Procedure
d. Data Protection Policy
e. Data Breach Policy
f. Privacy Notice
14. To consider the following planning application:-
Application for consent to display advertisements for erection of no3 swan logo signs, the erection of a wayfinding totem sign at the site entrance and no2 wayfinding signs on the phase 4 site.
St Modwen Park, Camp Road. Ref 22/0110/ADV
15. Village Hall extension discussions.
16. Open Spaces update.
Wednesday 16 March 2022 at 7pm.