May 2022 Agenda APCM
The Village Hall, Caraway Drive
Witham St Hughs
Telephone: 01522 869643
Website address:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and COUNCILLORS are SUMMONED to attend the Annual Parish Council meeting of Witham St Hughs Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 18th May 2022 7pm in the village hall.
At which the under mentioned business will be transacted.
Following the election of the Chairman & Vice Chairman there will be a public forum for 10 minutes where members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. A further 10 minutes will be set aside to receive reports from the County & District Councillors. Your attendance is required during this time.
All public questions must be sent in beforehand, with speaking restricted 3 minutes per person.
Rachel Popplewell
Parish Clerk
1. To Elect a Chairman for Witham St Hughs Parish Council for the ensuing year 2022/2023.
2. To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form from the Chairman for 2022/2023.
3. To Elect a Vice-Chairman of Witham St Hughs Parish Council and to receive the Declaration of Acceptance of office form for the ensuing year 2022/2023.
4. Public Forum – To Resolve to suspend standing orders for a maximum of 20 minutes to allow members of the public, District and County Councillors to make comment or ask questions.
5. To receive Apologies for Absence.
6. To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
7. Health & Safety brief.
8. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 20th April 2022 to be approved as minutes.
9. Clerks Update & Correspondence, and to Resolve to approve any subsequent actions.
10. To Appoint members to the following committees -
a. Personnel Committee
b. Allotment Committee
11. Finance.
a. To Resolve to accept General Power of Competence
b. To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated.
c. To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 30.04.2022
d. To review the budget as at the yearend 31.03.2022
e. To Resolve to consider open two new savings accounts for the Parish Council
12. To review & adopt the following policies
a. Standing Orders for the Council
b. Financial Regulations for the Council, and to Resolve to accept variable Direct Debits & online Banking
c. Terms of Reference for the Personnel Committee.
d. Terms of Reference for the Allotment Committee.
13. To resolve to agree Parish Council meeting dates for the year 2022/2023.
14. To receive the Annual Internal Audit report
15. To consider, approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022.
16. To Approve & sign the Accounting Statements 2021/2022.
17. To Resolve to approve the donation to the Norton Disney Community Dig.
18. To Resolve to approve the purchase of Platinum Jubilee mugs for the children of Witham St Hughs Academy (retrospectively).
19. To review the Asset Register as at 30.04.2022
20. To consider the quotes for the Parish Council insurance – information previously circulated.
21. To consider the following planning application
a. Reserved Matters application for erection of 4 dwellings with access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be considered pursuant to planning permission 18/0095/OUT Land Adjacent, 1 Nettleton Drive, Witham St Hughs Refv-v21/1535/RESM
22. Village Hall Extension discussions.
Wednesday 15th June 2022 at 7pm
The Parish Council will then resolve to move into closed session.
Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
1. Staffing.