June 2022 Agenda EOM
The Village Hall, Caraway Drive
Witham St Hughs
Telephone: 01522 869643
E-mail: parish.clerk@withamsthughs-pc.gov.uk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and COUNCILLORS are SUMMONED to attend an Extra-ordinary meeting of Witham St Hughs Parish Council, Wednesday 1st June 2022 at 7pm in Witham St Hughs Village Hall.
K Harrison.
Cllr Karen Harrison
A G E N D A.
1. Welcome and apologies.
2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.
3. To consider the following planning application
Ref – 22/0174/RESM
Reserved matters application for the erection of 154 dwellings (Cell 6) with layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access to be considered pursuant to outline planning application 15/1347/OUT - Erection of up to 1,100 dwellings and 150 care/retirement units (C2/C3), the formation of a roundabout to Camp Road, A46 junction improvement works, public open spaces and associated service infrastructure (outline with means of access) (Resubmission of 20/1659/RESM).
Location: Cell 6, Witham St Hughs Phase 3 East Of Camp Road Witham St Hughs I am writing to advise you that amended plans/additional information has been received by the District Council in connection with the above planning application. Changes to the layout and housetypes, reducing the overall number of units proposed to 154, along with details of landscaping, and have been submitted primarily to address concerns raised in respect of layout and design by the case officer and the Parish Council.
4. To re-consider the insurance quotes for the parish council – information previously circulated.