January 2020 Minutes
Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th January 2020
Present – Cllr Karen Harrison – Chair, Cllr Jason Snape – Vice Chair, Cllr Peter Rothwell, Cllr Russell Eckert, Cllr Al Fenney , Cllr Roger Linnell & Cllr Tony Young
4 members of public
District Cllr Peter Overton
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
Comments were received from Cllr Overton regarding the Villa Farm planning application. North Kesteven District Council (NKDC) had submitted their objections to Lincolnshire County Council who are the deciding council. Setting out various reasons for their objection.
Cllr Overton also made comment that a boundary review was under way for the District Council, the outcome would be known in 2021. Any comments can be submitted via the NKDC website.
A report had been received from Cllr Appleby giving details on the Boundary Review & the household survey – the deadline for this was 31.01.2020.
Agenda items
Chairman’s welcome & Fire Brief
1. Introduction of Council & Apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting introducing the Councillors. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Sally Appleby & Cllr M Overton.
The Chair welcomed the new Clerk to the Parish Council and passed her Thanks onto Mrs Nicola Green for her contribution to the village & parish council over the last years.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest in Accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and outlined in the Councils Code of Conduct.
Cllr Rothwell as an Allotment Plot holder.
3. Consideration of Items for Discussion in Closed Session.
Deferred to the end of the meeting.
4. To receive & approve the Minutes of the previous meeting as correct and matters arising to be carried forward to next meeting
The Council Resolved to approve the minutes as a true record – All Agreed by show of hands. Signed by the Chairman
5. Village Hall Update.
1. 3 companies asked to quote and 2 quotes had been obtained. After discussions it was Resolved to approve the quote of £1950 to redecorate the village hall, All Agreed.
Action Cllr Snape/Clerk.
2. Comments were received from the WI, with ideas for the VE Day celebrations. Including a Community Garden dig, Afternoon Teas, Land Girls fancy dress ect … It
was Resolved to set a date of Saturday 9th May 2020 for the village event. Cllrs Snape & Fenney to be the council liaison Action Cllrs Snape & Fenney.
3. Cllr Harrison & the Clerk had met with Lincoln Security regarding the purchase of a fireproof cabinet, to ensure the council are compliant with current GDPR regulations. After discussions it was Resolved to set a limit of £2000 to purchase a fire-resistant cabinet including safe.
Fire resistant to 60 minutes.
Action Cllr Harrison/ Clerk
6. Open Spaces
1. The hedges cannot be trimmed back, due to the grass being too wet and the equipment will make too much of a mess. The Arborist will produce a report on the trees and hedges – which will then highlight any trees that will need attention. Albeit the work will need to be carried out before the bird nesting season.
2. Comments were received from Cllr Snape -there were still issues with the football pitch, which needed to be sorted out, this may not be achieved by the end of the football season.
The play parks still needed to be reviewed before the Phase 2 handover. The trees on Green Lane had been discussed on the review of Phase 2 with Strawson, as they had been planted either side of the boundary line, the PC were told would be the responsibility of the respective home owner. Recent discussions now show that the trees fall under Phase 2 for adoption. The PC do not wish to adopt these trees as will be a considerable cost to residents for upkeep. Discussions to take place with Strawsons and NKDC at adoption point
The Scouts would like the use of the Copse behind the new Scout hut, but a maintenance plan needed to be in place before hand as it was overgrown. Agreed that we will ask our arobourist to inspect the trees before we agree to adopt. Strawsons had asked if the Scout Hut land would be included in the next handover.
Action Cllr Snape/Cllr Harrison
Cllr Young arrived 8.17pm.
7. Precept
The Councillors considered the budget for 2020/2021 which had been previously circulated. It was Resolved to agree a precept of £91,100 which was an increase of 2.85% or £2.35 on a band D Property. Action Clerk
8. Playpark Update.
Cllr Snape made comment that the next lot of flooring was due to be laid on the 3rd Feb 2020. The wooden benches needed to be sanded, cleaned & treated to prevent them rotting. Quotes to be obtained Action Cllr Snape
Juniper Park needed to be sorted out by Strawson’s, remedial works still needed to be carried out.
9. Agreement to re-investigate provision of pedestrian crossing Warren Lane, outside school.
Cllr Rothwell made comment that possibility of a pedestrian crossing, school crossing lady or a pelican crossing had been investigated previously by highways and refused. Since
then the school has got bigger and the number of pedestrians trying to cross Warren Lane has increased. Cllr Rothwell offered to pursue the issue with highways to see if they will reconsider. Action Cllr Rothwell.
10. Planning.
1. Ref – 19/1746/FUL. Erection of 2 no dwellings. The Ark, Nettleton Drive.
Councillors made comment regarding the TPO that was on the Oak
Tree in the middle of the building plot. The Clerk was asked to reiterate the TPO to ensure no damage is done to the tree.
2. Ref – PL/0036/18. LCC Villa Farm, Norton Disney. Cllr Rothwell gave an update regarding the application, adding that Lincolnshire County Council were due to visit the site on 27.01.2020, numerous objections have been logged again the application with 2 of the local Members of Parliament adding they will send the application to the Secretary of State for an enquiry if Approved.
3. Ref – 19/1565/FUL Network 46, Swinderby Industrial Park. The Parish Council had ‘No Comment’ to make regarding the application. Although comments were received regarding the level of noise from the site. The Clerk was asked to contact the Environmental Dept to notify them Action Clerk
11. Correspondence – email, written, telephone & personal.
1. The Chair made comment that the space left on Oak Tree Drive was to allow for access to Camp Road for the Parish Council to maintain the tree line. It cannot be turned into a meadow for wildflowers and will not be built on
2. The Bund on Warren Lane/Camp Road was now at a concerning height. A local resident had asked permission to trim the trees back to a more manage able height which would also allow more light into the property. It was Resolved to approve the request – show of hands all agreed.
3. The resident on Private Walk had moved his fence to take some of the Parish Councils and with that make his garden bigger, without prior agreement. The fence needs to be put back to its original place & condition. The Chair offered to write to the resident. Action Cllr Harrison.
4. A request had been put in by a resident on Rose Hip Walk to adopt a piece of land next to his property. It was Resolved to approve the request – Show of hands all agreed. The resident to arrange the paperwork and pay any legal fees.
5. A request had been submitted by a resident on Oak Tree Drive to adopt a piece of land next to his property, but the details were unclear of where the new boundary would be. Clarification was needed. Action Clerk/Cllr Harrison
6. It was Resolved to approve the request to site a memorial plaque on a Bench in the village. All agreed. Action Clerk/Cllr Harrison
7. It was Resolved to approve the request for the Community Circus to come to the village from 26/4/202 – 03/05/2020. The Clerk confirmed that she had received copies of all the risk assessments and additional paperwork. As previously agreed, a donation of £500 would be given along will collection buckets at each performance.
Clerk to contact Action Clerk
8. It was Resolved to not change the terms of the bookings for the village hall to allow regular bookings at a weekend.
12. Website Hosting & Email Domain.
The current invoice was discussed & more details were required, as the renewal fees seemed quite high. Action Cllr Harrison/Fenney & Clerk
13. Finance
1. Bank Reconciliation was deferred to the next meeting.
2. A list of invoices had been previously circulated. It was Resolved to approve all the payments except for one for the Website hosting & email domain, as per agenda item 12, show of hand all agreed. Signed By Cllr Harrison & Cllr Snape.
3. The clerk was asked to contact Lighthouse Wealth regarding the current investments & maturities. Action Clerk
4. After discussions it was Resolved to agree to apply for a credit card for the Parish Council. Action Cllr Harrison
5. It was Resolved to adopt the Grants Policy previously circulated.
14. Litter Picker Report.
The litter picker and NKDC advised that 3 additional bins were needed in the village as the bins around the village were always full. It was Resolved to agree to purchase 3 new bins at a cost of £250 per bin. Action Clerk
15. Training Days & Meetings
The training dates were circulated to all councillors with various dates and subjects being earmarked to be attended by the Councillors & Clerk. Action Clerk
16. Date & Time of Next Meeting
February 19th 2020 at 7.30pm.
The Council then Resolved to go into Closed session for Agenda Item 3