July 2020 Minutes

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Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th July 2020 at 7.30pm via Skype (New Regulations due to COVID 19)

Present Cllr Harrison – Chair, Cllr Snape – Vice Chair & Cllr Fenney

County Councillor Overton

District Councillor Overton

Rachel Popplewell - Clerk

District Councillor Overton made comment that over half of the District Council were still working from home.

Cllr Overton had made enquiries into the possibility of an Independent Butchers & Gym renting one of the retail units. The existing retailers have got a Non-Competition clause built into their 20-year lease, although they may be open to an independent trader opening in the village.

Cllr Overton recommended that a letter was sent to the Owners & the existing retailer, with a business case stating what they would like to do & the impact it would have within the village.

Contact details were forwarded on.

County Councillor Overton made comment that she had received the grant application from Cllr Snape to fund a replacement bench in the village, this was approved with a plaque to acknowledge the hard work of the community group during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Cllr Overton would like to arrange a meeting with the community groups within her area to say thank you for their efforts during the pandemic, suggested dates of 24/31st July 2020 was put forward.

National Guidance had been received regarding meetings they are now allowed to take place face to face, but social distancing must be adhered to.

Cllr Overton made comment that the amount of fly tipping had increased considerably during the pandemic, the removal of which is very costly. Proposed Road works in and around Witham St Hughs are planned for August 2020 Cllr Overton asked that any specific areas of concern are passed on so they can be looked at by the Highways Team. Cllrs Overton left the meeting 8.10pm.

Agenda Items

1. Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was being held via Skype to comply with Social Distancing Regulations due to COVID 19.

Apologies were received & accepted from Cllr Young, Cllr Eckert & Cllr Linnell.

Cllr Rothwell – absent.

2. To received Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and outlined in the councils Code of Conduct – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

None received.

3. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th June 2020 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed.

Signed by the Chair

4. Finance

a. It was Resolved to approve the list of payments (list previously circulated). All Agreed.

Signed by The Chairman

b. The Bank Reconciliation was presented as at 30.06.2020 the accounts did not balance by £57.12 due to a duplicate credit card payment.

5. To Receive the Internal Auditors Report.

The Chairman read the internal report – no anomalies or areas for concern were highlighted, thanks were passed onto the Clerk for her support and hard work over the previous 6 months. The Annual Governance & Accountability Return Page 3 had been signed by the internal auditor.

6. To Approve the Annual Governance Statements 2019/2020

The Annual Governance Statements were considered – it was Resolved to answer them all positively, signed by the Chair & Clerk.

7. To Approve the Accounting Statements 2019/2020

It was Resolved to approve the Accounting Statements as correct – All Agreed. Signed by the Chair & Clerk.

8. Corona Virus Update for the Village Hall.

After discussions it was Resolved to keep the village hall closed for the foreseeable future to be reviewed at the next meeting. Daily cleaning tasks are to be maintained by the caretakers, to ensure the hall is ready to be opened at short notice.

Action Clerk.

9. To consider the quotes for the sanitary bins for the village hall.

After discussions it was Resolved to accept a new 3-year contract from Initial.

Action Clerk.

10. To Consider the quotes for the Annual Alarm, CCTV & Fire Alarm Maintenance Plans

After discussion it was Resolved to accept a new 1-year contract from one company that will maintain all 3 systems 24/7 365days per year at a cost of £860 + VAT

Action Clerk.

11. To Discuss joining the Community Speed Watch Scheme & the associated costs.

The Clerk made comment that there was a one-off fee of £40 to join the scheme, this included 6 passive 30/40mph signs to be put on lampposts and wheelie bin stickers if required. The Parish Council would be able to access a speed survey for the village to establish average speeds and number of vehicles using the roads in & out of the village.

It was Resolved to join the scheme at a cost of £40

Action Clerk.

12. To Consider the Following Planning Applications.

a. Installation of a new externally illuminated signage for a Transport Storage Business.

St Modwen Park, Electric Avenue. Ref 20/0767/ADV

b. Erection of new industrial warehouse building for B2/B8 use.

The parish council Resolved to submit ‘no comment’ to both applications.

13. To consider the Arborists quotes to survey the Parish Council Maintained Trees.

The Clerk made comment that she had received 2 quotes from the 3 requests sent out, both were of a similar price. After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from Arborglyph Tree Services Ltd.

Action Clerk.

14. Update on the Defibrillator for the old Telephone Box

Deferred to the next meeting.

15. To Discuss the Maintenance required for the benches & bus shelters and any associated costs.

After discussions it was Resolved to paint/wood stain the benches & bus shelters at a cost of £1175.

Action Cllr Snape.

Comments were also received that the blocked paved area on Cuckoo Walk needed to be cleaned before new benches are erected, it was Resolved accept the quote of £650 for the cleaning. Cllr Overton has agreed to fund one new bench with the Parish Council the other. 

Action Clerk.

Cllr Harrison made comment that new locks had been put on the bollards on Oak Tree Drive to prevent vehicles driving down the pedestrian access. Clerk to advise authorities of the combination access code.

Action Clerk.

Remedial works are required on the bollards on Cuckoo walk as they have seized up

Action Cllr Harrison/Young.

16. Litter Picker Vacancy.

The Clerk was asked to circulate the litter picker job profile to the Councillors and then put an advert out.

Action Clerk.

17. To approve the costs for the new door guards to be fitted.

Deferred to the next meeting - the Clerk was asked to get a Health & Safety Assessment prior to the guards being approved

Action Clerk.

Date & Time of next meeting – Wednesday 19th August 2020, 7.30pm

The Parish Council then moved into Closed Session – 9.20pm