December 2020 Minutes

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Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Monday 20th December 2020 at 7.00pm via Zoom

Present Cllr Harrison – Chair, Cllr Snape – Vice Chair & Cllr Fenney

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk

District Councillor Peter Overton & County Councillor Marianne Overton.

Cllr Peter Overton made comment asking for suggestions as to how cyclist might access the Swinderby Station which was located over the A46 roundabout. The Cycle Strategy Consultation was still open for comments to be sent in.

Cllr Overton then wished all the residents a Merry & Safe Christmas.

Cllr Marianne Overton encouraged residents to buy from local businesses, and for businesses to apply for grants where possible. Schools have had a good attendance although COVID cases were rising as they broke up for the Christmas holidays. Testing in schools was to start in January although full details were still to be received.

Cllr Snape made comment that the benches had been installed on Cuckoo Walk of which Councillor Overton had funded one, the plaque was still to be installed.

The Chair thanked both Councillors for their ongoing support over the last 12 months and wished them a Merry Christmas.

Agenda Items

1. Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was being held via Zoom to comply with Social Distancing Regulations due to COVID 19.

Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Linnell.

Cllr Rothwell – absent.

The Chair made comment that Cllr Young & Cllr Eckert had resigned, the Clerk had contacted North Kesteven District Council who had issued Vacancy Notices.

2. To received Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and outlined in the councils Code of Conduct – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

None Received

3. Health & Safety.

The Clerk made comment that the drain covers had been installed outside the village hall.

4. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 18th November 2020 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed.

Signed by the Chair.

5. Clerks Update & Correspondence & Resolve to agree any actions/costs.

The Clerk made comment that she received new details for the Financial Advisor, as the Parish Council had funds waiting to be used on the super park, they could be invested for a short while. Clerk to contact.

Action Clerk

The Clerk had recently reviewed the Phone & Broadband contract which was now £17pm less, after a review of the Water Bill and a new meter being installed the Parish Council were now in credit by over £600, this was to be refunded back.

The new handyman had been contacted; he had carried out several small jobs at the hall including installing the drain covers (agenda item 3).

The locations of 3 new litter bins had been approved by NKDC (As per November Minutes). After discussions it was Resolved to purchase 3 new bins and get them installed.

Action Clerk.

The Clerk made comment that she had been contacted by a resident on New Swan Close, regarding a tree that was potentially damaging her house guttering. The tree had been inspected by the Arborist the outcome being that it was a healthy tree that was not near the house or guttering. The resident had been advised that any overhanging branches could be cut back.

6. Finance

a. It was Resolved to approve the list of payments (list previously circulated). All Agreed.

Signed by The Chairman

b. The Bank Reconciliation was presented as at 30.11.2020 – showing the accounts balanced – signed by the Chairman

c. External Auditors Report –

The Chair made comment that the external auditors report had been received, a couple of minor points had been highlighted.

Thanks, were passed onto the Clerk.

7. To consider the request for a Salt Grit bin to be located on the Old Airman’s Patch.

After discussions it was Resolved to offer to supply & install 1 new grit bin along with the grit on the Old Airmans Patch. The same offer would also be extended to Witham South (Old Officer Quarters).

Action Clerk

The Clerk made comment that she had been in Contact with LCC regarding installing additional grit bins around the village, they had approved the installation of 1 x new bin on the junction of Warren Lane/Leveret Chase.

8. To receive comments on the Cycling Strategy Consultation 2020.

After discussions it was Resolved to complete & return the Cycling Strategy questionnaire.

9. To consider purchasing additional 40mph signs for Camp Road.

The Clerk made comment that she had received a comment from a resident regarding speeding on Camp Road and would it be possible to install the 40mph passive signs along the road from the A46 roundabout to Camp Road/Warren Lane roundabout.

After discussions it was Resolved to approve the request, and purchase 5 new signs.

Action Clerk.

10. To consider the quotation to replace the rear external fire door at the village hall.

One quote had been received for the works; another quote was required for comparison.

Action Clerk.

11. Open Spaces Update.

The Chair made comment that new Tender Documents had been sent out for the Grass Cutting contract and Tree & Hedge maintenance. Both the Chair & Vice Chair had met with various contractors to discuss the areas included in the contract.

As per the latest tree report a lot of under growth need to be pruned back to enable future healthy growth of the Trees. Eight additional days work had been supplied by the existing contractor, but further days were still required to get all the work done. Clerk to contact to get the works completed before bird nesting season.

Action Clerk

12. Date & Time of the Next Meeting.

Wednesday 20th January 2021, 7.30pm.

The Parish Council then moved into Closed Session – 8.05pm