September 2020 Minutes

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Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 16th September 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom

Present Cllr Harrison – Chair, Cllr Snape – Vice Chair, Cllr Fenney, Cllr Linnell, Cllr Eckert & Cllr Young

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk

District Councillor Overton & County Councillor Overton. One member of the Public

Cllr Peter Overton made comment that a new Purple Wheelie bin would be issued to households for recycling of cardboard & paper. The trial had been well supported the only concern was that households may struggle to store it as they would now have 4 wheelie bins. A planning notice had been issued to a local resident for the erection of a summer house/building on open space land.

Cllr Marianne Overton made comment that she had met with Highways Dept regarding the list of issued logged on ‘Fixmystreet’ that were still outstanding. Problems had been highlighted regarding the accessibility of the tip in Lincoln and has asked that Lincolnshire County Council consider making more mixed waste slots available. There may be a possibility of accessing the tip at Newark for the villages close to the border – Cllr Overton to investigate this. The Eastern Bypass was under way with 6000 new homes planned.

Cllr Overton made comment that 95% of schools are open with 90% of children back to school after being closed to most children since March 2020 due to the corona virus.

Agenda Items

1. Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was being held via Zoom to comply with Social Distancing Regulations due to COVID 19.

No Apologies

Cllr Rothwell – absent.

2. To received Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and outlined in the councils Code of Conduct – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

Cllr Eckert agenda item 7b

3. Health & Safety

Nothing to report

4. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th August 2020 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed.

Signed by the Chair.

5. Clerks Update & Correspondence.

The Clerk made comment that the bollards on Cuckoo Walk still needed to be repaired.

Action Cllr Young

The contractor had been given the go ahead to repoint the Memorial, no date had been received to do the work as yet. The growth protectors have been removed and the grates have been replaced with slate around the trees on Cuckoo Walk. The bund clearance on Owl Close was imminent, the residents had been advised. Cllr Fenney had updated the website with a new hall booking form and room capacity numbers. He has also to uploaded pictures of the inside of the hall.

Councillors were reminded to send their picture and bio to be added

Action All Councillors.

The Clerk made comment that the door guards had been ordered and received, they just needed to be fitted.

Action Cllr Snape.

The Clerk was still waiting to hear if the allotment plots have been strimmed, the contractor had been contacted.

The Clerk made comment that she had received emails from two residents regarding a cut through that had been created from the Park on Hedge Lane and Elder Close by the public.

The Chair suspended standing orders to enable the member of the public to participate in the discussions.

The member of public made comment that a cut through in the hedge had been created onto Elder Close From Warren Lane Park, by residents, children were playing in the ditch which contained dirty water, this could potentially be a health hazard. After discussions it was agreed that the solution would need to be a multi-party contribution as one side of the ditch/cut through was maintained by Persimmon Homes and the other by the Parish Council. The resident offered to contact Persimmon Homes (Clerk to be copied into the communications) to ask for their help as both sides of the cut through would need to be sorted at the same time.

Action Clerk

6. Finance

a. It was Resolved to approve the list of payments (list previously circulated). All Agreed.

Signed by The Chairman

b. The Bank Reconciliation was presented as at 31.08.2020 – showing the accounts balanced.

7. Village Hall Re-opening to include.

a. No changes to the guidelines had been received, the infection rate of the virus was changing daily as was the guidance and lockdown rules for England. After discussions it was Resolved not to re-open the hall until 2021 – All Agreed.

b. Quotes for New Hand Sanitisers.

Cllr Eckert declared interest for the agenda item – did not participate in the discussions.

Two quotes had been received to replace the Wall Mounted Hand sanitisers plus the Sanitiser gel.

After comparing them both it was Resolved to accept the quote from CSG UK Ltd, show of hands All Agreed.

Action Cllr Eckert.

8. To review the following policies –

a. Public Participation at Parish Council Meetings.

b. Whistle Blowing Policy.

c. Anti-fraud & Corruption Policy.

d. Premises Age Verification Policy.

It was Resolved to review & adopt the policies – no amendments required, All Agreed.

9. To Consider the Open Spaces to be Transferred over to the Parish Council from Cell11, Cell 13, Cell 15 & Cell 16.

Cell 11 – White Beam & Tall Pines, the recent tree survey had highlighted a few concerns with the large trees in the area & them possibly being unstable.

Cell 13 – consideration was to be given for the raised manhole covers to be sorted before the Parish Council would accept the transfer.

Cell 15 – The trees had been surveyed in the cell, the tree report was to be checked to ensure nothing major had been highlighted and did not require a lot of maintenance.

Cell 16 – this was the cut through from Oak Tree drive to Pendred Avenue.

The Clerk was asked to contact the developer & North Kesteven District Council for more clarification.

Action Clerk

10. To Discuss the findings of the Health & Safety Report following the recent Inspection.

The Clerk made comment that an inspection had taken place, this had highlighted a few issues that needed to be investigated although the overall report rated the Parish Council as ‘Good’.

Action All Councillors & Clerk

11. To Approve the costs for the Electrical remedial works, following on from the Village Hall Electrical safety testing.

After discussions it was Resolved to approve the quote of £290 for the Electrical Works to be completed. All Agreed – show of hands.

Action Clerk

12. To Consider the quotes for a new ‘Village Hall’ sign to be erected on the side of the building.

Two quotes had been received, after discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from Venture Signs & Graphics Ltd.

Action Cllr Eckert/Clerk

13. To Discuss the Remembrance Day Service.

Cllr Snape made comment that the service would be held virtually – the service to be streamed online from the Memorial at Witham St Hughs. Cllrs Snape & Fenney to Co-ordinate.

Action Cllrs Snape & Fenney

14. To Consider the quotes to remove the dead tree on Elder Close

The Clerk made comment that she had received two quotes one for £230 & one for £450+ VAT.

It was Resolved to accept the quote for £230 to remove the tree.

Action Clerk

15. To consider the following planning application.

a. 36 Oak Tree Drive, erection of a Porch

Ref 20/0061/HOUS

After discussions it was Resolved to submit ‘No Comment’ for the application. – All Agreed

Action Clerk

16. Update for the Defibrillator (Airman’s Quarters)

Cllr Linnell made comment that he was hoping to get an update on Monday 21st Sept 2020 regarding the installation.

Action Cllr Linnell.

17. Date & Time of the Next Meeting.

Wednesday 21st October 2020, 7.30pm.

The Parish Council then moved into Closed Session – 9.00pm