June 2020 Minutes
Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 17th June 2020 at 7.30pm via Skype (New Regulations due to COVID 19)
Present Cllr Harrison – Chair, Cllr Snape – Vice Chair & Cllr Fenney
1 Member of the Public
County Councillor Overton, District Councillor Overton & District Councillor Appleby from 8.05pm
The member of the public updated the Parish Council regarding a youth football team, leaflets were to be printed as well as a post being put on Facebook to gauge the level of interest,
County Councillor Overton made comment that Business Grants have been paid out, with a lot of applications being processed successfully. The new Highways Contractor had started work 6 weeks ago. The Highways Team will be in the local area August 2020 – any issues that need to be considered are to be sent to Cllr Overton or reported on Fix My Street. The Recycling centres are now open. There are still a lot of ongoing issues with Fly Tipping.
Cllr Snape asked for a list of Road names that Lincolnshire County Council had adopted in the village.
District Councillor Overton made comment that it was National walking month in May. Just a reminder that you need to book a slot to use the Recycling Centres. North Kesteven District Council had received extra funding from Government to help support those that cannot pay their Council Tax Bill. Nominations are now being received for the Community Awards – nominations are being accepted until the end of July 2020. The closing of Grantham A & E was still being considered; this needs to be reviewed as it will add further pressure onto Lincoln County Hospital & surrounding areas.
Karen asked Cllr Overton if he had made any progress in looking into covenants that were preventing a butcher being able to have a unit it the village Cllr Young joined the meeting at 8pm
Agenda Items
1. Welcome & Apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was being held via Skype to comply with Social Distancing Regulations due to COVID 19.
Apologies were received & accepted from Cllr Eckert & Cllr Linnell, and The Clerk.
Absent Cllr Rothwell.
2. To received Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and outlined in the councils Code of Conduct – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.
None received.
3. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 20th May 2020 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed.
Minute reference for approval written on paper copy.
4. Finance
a. It was Resolved to approve the list of payments (list previously circulated). All Agreed. Payments sheet to have the minute reference put on. – COVID 19.
b. The Bank Reconciliation was presented to the month end 31.05.2020. The Bank Reconciliation did not balance due to an outstanding invoice on the Credit Card.
Cllr Appleby joined the meeting 8.05pm, making comment that North Kesteven District Council will be working remotely until 31.12.2020 to be reviewed every 3 months. The Chair & Vice Chair of NKDC remained the same, with each committee of the council having 8 members. The Co-op voucher scheme is still in place and vouchers are still available.
5. Corona Virus – Village Hall Update to allow use of the field for small groups (no more than 6 people)
It was Resolved to approve the use of the field for small groups, this would be free of charge for the next 3 months, to be reviewed Sept 2020 – Government Guideline are always to be adhered to.
Sign to be put on the gate saying that the field must be booked to avoid large groups of people on the field at the same time.
Action Clerk.
Cllr Harrison made comment that the back door of the hall may need to be replaced as it has been damaged.
Action Clerk.
6. To Review the following policies.
a. Equality & Diversity Policy
b. Expenses Policy
c. Grievance Policy
d. Disciplinary Policy
e. Sickness & absence Policy.
It was Resolved to adopt all the policies after they had been reviewed.
7. Open Spaces Phase 2 adoption walk around with Strawsons – update.
Cllrs Harrison, Snape, Linnell and Eckert (part) and Parish Clerk Mrs Popplewell met with Strawsons to review the open spaces for Phase 2 prior to adoption. Report on file.
8. Annual Tree Inspection to discuss requirements.
A second quote is required to compare the work that needs to be done.
Action Clerk.
9. Phase 1 walk about meeting with open space contractor – update.
Cllrs Harrison & Snape met with the contractor to discuss the work that needed to be done imminently due to residents’ complaints, regarding overgrown bushes & hedges.
10. Fire Assessment Audit
Cllr Harrison made comment that the Fire Assessment had been conducted, it highlighted a couple of issues regarding weekly & annual checks. The Fire Assessor is to draw up a floor plan with fire escape routes & emergency lighting highlighted.
11. Update regarding the asset register & insurance policy
Cllr Harrison made comment that the asset register is now UpToDate and marries the insurance policy. The Annual Premium has been paid to Zurich Insurance of £2581.64
12. Footballers quotes to be discussed.
It was Resolved to approved Open Spaces contractors’ recommendations to level and prepare the original football pitch, so that it is fit for purpose for the coming season if needed. Phase 2 pitch will not be available for the coming season as work is still ongoing and being undertaken by Strawsons contractor prior to adoption
13. Items for the next Agenda
Quotes were needed to repair the bus shelters and benches.
Action Clerk.
Website Hosting.
14. Date & Time of the next Meeting
Wednesday 15th July 2020.
The Parish Council moved into Closed Session
1. Notes of the Closed session Parish Council held on Monday 1st June 2020 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All Agreed. COVD 19 minutes reference written on the paper copy.
Meeting Closed 8.50pm