February 2020 Minutes

WSH PC crest

Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 19th February 2020.

Present – Cllr Karen Harrison – Chairman, Cllr Peter Rothwell, Cllr Roger Linnell, Cllr Tony Young & Cllr Russell Eckert.

District Councillors Appleby & Overton

Rachel Popplewell Clerk

4 members of the public.

Public Comment

Comments were received from a member of the public regarding the increased traffic flow when Phase 3 starts. The chair made comment that the traffic would be to a minimum as the topsoil being removed was going to be used to make the bund so wouldn’t be leaving the site & the workers for the site would park in the area designated for the scout hut.

Comments were also received regarding the condition of the Persimmon compound, which was now very messy, also the nearby ditch was full of rubble. Clerk to contact.

A request for a second football team for the village was to be considered. This may incur additional maintenance costs. Grass cutting, white lining, reseeding etc… which needed to be discussed.

Cllr Appleby made comment that Cllr Carrington was now Deputy Leader of the District Council. There had been motion at North Kesteven District Council to reduce the number of fireworks set off during the year and for the noise level to be reduced. This was supported by The RSPCA – the motion was now to go to a scrutiny panel.

Cllr Appleby made comment that grants for local community groups were still available until 28/02/2020

Cllr P. Overton made comment that the Boundary Review was underway.

Agenda Items.

1. Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received & Accepted from Cllrs Snape & Fenney & County Councillor M Overton.

2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

Received from Cllr Rothwell for the Allotments.

3. Allotment Committee Update

a. After discussion it was Resolved to adopt the revised Terms of Reference for the Allotment Committee.

b. It was Resolved to appoint the following members to the Allotment committee.

Stuart Traves – Cargills Representative
Claire Shepherd – Cargills Representative
Cllr Rothwell – Parish Council Representative
Karl Gandy – Allotment Liaison Officer
Vanda Ward – Plot Holders
John Lanes – Plot Holders

c. The next Allotment Committee meeting would be Wednesday 4th March 2020, 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

4. Police Report

Report was read out by the Clerk, detailing anti-social behaviour in North Hykeham. The report also reiterated reporting all crime on 101.

5. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th January 2020 to be approved as minutes. It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – show of hands all agreed – Signed by The Chairman

6. Notes of the Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 28th January 2020 to be approved as minutes. It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – show of hands all agreed – Signed by The Chairman

7. Clerks Update

The Clerk made comment the fireproof cabinets were on order to be delivered in the next two weeks. The request for the precept for the next financial had been sent to North Kesteven District Council. The Clerk had contacted the community circus to confirm their request to come to the village on the 26.04.2020 -03.05.2020. The Clerk had contacted Lighthouse Wealth – discussions for the investments needed to be considered as they had now matured. Action All Councillors.

The three new bins had been delivered they just needed to be installed.

The Clerk confirmed that she had booked all the requested training for the Councillors.

8. To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated. To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 19/02/2020.

It was Resolved to approve the list of payments (List Previously Circulated). Show of hands – All Agreed. Signed by Cllr Linnell & Cllr Snape.

It was Resolved to approve the Bank Reconciliation – it highlighted a discrepancy of 10p, which was an over payment by one of the hall bookings. All Agreed – show of hands, signed by The Chairman.

9. To consider the following planning applications

a. Erection of two storey & single storey rear extensions, replacement porch to front elevation & insertion of window to south elevation. 42 Nettleton Drive. Ref 20/0070/HOUS

b. Erection of single storey & two storey rear extension, including all associated external works. 44 Nettleton Drive. Ref – 20/0058/HOUS

c. Proposed outside play area (for garden sheds) (part retrospective). The Bungalow Newark Road Swinderby. Ref – 20/0053/FUL

d. Erection of a 2 Storey side extension, with single storey porch to the principal elevation. 36 Oak Tree Drive. Ref – 20/0061/HOUS

e. Erection of new industrial warehouse building with ancillary offices. Germinal Holdings, Camp Road.

Ref- 20/0108/FUL

f. Erection of no2 dwellings, The Ark, Nettleton Drive. Amended plans. Ref 19/1746/FUL

g. Application of proposed works to Trees subject to Tree Preservation Order. 8 Nettleton Drive

Ref – 20/0170/TPO

After discussions it was Resolved to submit ‘No Objections’ to all of the applications above.

10. To Approve Membership of LALC’s training Scheme at a cost of £125.00 + VAT

It was Resolved to approve the application – show of hands, all agreed.

11. To Resolve to review and adopt any change of the following policies

a. Personnel Committee Terms of Reference.

b. Data Breach Policy

c. Data Protection Policy

d. Subject Access Request Procedure

e. Records Retention Policy

f. Data Map

g. Privacy Policy

h. To receive Security Compliance Checklist from each Councillor.

It was Resolved to approve & adopt all the policies; Security Compliance Checklist was received from each Councillor.

i. To Approve the Direct Debit payment for the registration fee of £35 to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

The Clerk made comment that the Parish Council was now registered with the Information Commissioners Office the annual payment being £35.00 (annual direct debit)

It was Resolved to approve the payment on Direct Debit – All agreed. Signed by Cllr Harrison & Cllr Linnell.

12. To Resolve to approve the purchase of Telephone Box for a £1 from British Telecommunications.

After discussions it was Resolved to approve the purchase of the Phone Box – show of hands, all agreed. Further comments were received that the phone box would then house a second village defibrillator.

13. To consider an additional Parish Agreement with Lincolnshire County Council for grass cutting for the year 2020/2021.

After Discussions it was Resolved to approve the additional parish agreement for grass cutting from LCC, an existing agreement was already in place with the additional areas only being a small increase for the current open space’s contractors.

14. Discussions around a 2nd village defibrillator & to resolve to approve any associated costs.

Cllr Linnell gave a brief presentation regarding the new defibrillator, which would be housed in the newly adopted Phone Box. Costings would be approximately £2000 this would cover installation, purchasing of the cabinet & defibrillator. Training would be available – date to be confirmed.

It was Resolved to approve costings up to £2000. Action Cllr Linnell

15. CORRESPONDENCE – EMAIL, WRITEN, TELEPHONE, PERSONAL circulated to Councillors prior to meeting.

a. Email from a resident regarding parking on Warren Lane & Juniper Way.

The comments were forwarded on to Highways at Lincolnshire County Council, as the issues highlighted fall under their jurisdiction.

b. To consider the adoption of a parcel of land – on Blackbird Way

The road concerned belongs to a management company, the resident was advised to contact them.


Wednesday 18th March 2020 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Witham St Hughs

17. The Council will then move in to Closed Session

Standing Orders were suspended – the Parish Council Resolved to move into closed session.

1. Notes of the Closed Session meeting held on Wednesday 15th January 2020.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – show of hands all agreed – Signed by The Chairman.

Meeting Closed 9.05 pm