October 2020 Minutes

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Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 21st October 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom

Present Cllr Harrison – Chair, Cllr Fenney & Cllr Eckert

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk

District Councillor Overton & District Councillor Appleby. Cllr Sally Appleby made comment that the District Council had held its Annual General Meeting with a new Chair & Vice Chair being elected. Cllr Susanne Barker-Milan is now Chairman of the Council and Cllr Mrs Hague is now Vice Chairman.

The Community Champion Award Finalists & Winners had been announced, with congratulations being passed onto Cllr Snape for his award. The International Bomber Command Centre had been awarded £426,700 from the Government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund.

Cllr Peter Overton also passed his congratulations onto Cllr Snape for his award. The white paper for planning was still available to be commented on during its consultation period. Cllr Overton asked Cllr Snape to update him on the Tenancy agreements letter being written to the Co-op on behalf of local business owners.

Agenda Items

1. Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was being held via Zoom to comply with Social Distancing Regulations due to COVID 19.

Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Linnell, Councillor Snape & Councillor Young.

Cllr Rothwell – absent.

2. To received Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and outlined in the councils Code of Conduct – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

None Received

3. Health & Safety

Nothing to report

4. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th September 2020 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed.

Signed by the Chair.

5. Notes of the Extra-ordinary Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 8th October 2020 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed.

Signed by the Chair.

6. Clerks Update & Correspondence & Resolve to agree any actions/costs.

The Clerk made comment that she received the new tree report from the Arborist that day. The report now needs to be reviewed and a schedule of works prioritised.

The Clerk had received complaint from a parishioner regarding the condition of the pathway on Thyme Walk, the Clerk was asked to get a quote to repair it along with remedial works on the hoggin paths around the village.

Action Clerk.

A resident had offered to help with a solution for the dog fouling, by setting up ‘dog poo bag stations’ around the village – an initiative she had seen previously. It was Resolved to accept the offer, Clerk to contact.

Action Clerk.

The Clerk made comment that a handyman to help with the small jobs at the village hall and around the village would help, to be contacted as and when required.

Action Cllr Eckert & Clerk.

The Clerk made comment that she had been notified that the monthly printing charges were to being increased to £9.99pm. Notification had also been received from BT regarding the phone and broadband contract that was up for renewal, the new prices were £67pm from £90pm Cllr Harrison offered to look for another price to compare.

Action Cllr Harrison.

The Clerk made comment that the dead tree on Elder Close had been removed by the Arborist, new door guards had now been fitted at the Village Hall, some of the remedial Electrical works had been complete at the village hall – contractor waiting on parts to finish the job.

7. Finance

a. It was Resolved to approve the list of payments (list previously circulated). All Agreed.

Signed by The Chairman

b. The Bank Reconciliation was presented as at 30.09.2020 – showing the accounts balanced – signed by the Chairman

c. The budget was reviewed as at 30.09.2020 showing the Parish Council being at 32% of target, no amendments were required, it was acknowledged that additional spending would be required to tidy up the open spaces.

The Clerk made comment that the Parish Council had received S106 monies from NKDC and grass cutting funds from LCC.

8. Open Spaces Update.

The Clerk made comment that after further investigation the open spaces in Cells 11, 13, 15 & 16 would not be transferred to the Parish Council, under the original S106 agreement there had been no covenant written in for forward transfer to the Parish Council. Therefore, the land will now be transferred from the developer to North Kesteven District Council for them to maintain.

9. To Approve costings for 2 new bollards on Cuckoo Walk.

Comments were received regarding the existing bollards that prevent traffic accessing Cuckoo Walk, one of which is broken and rusted, they need to be replaced and new locks putting on. It was Resolved approve a budget of £200 to purchase the bollards

Action Cllr Harrison.

10. To Consider the following planning applications

a. Proposed change of use from C3 detached residential garage to Sui Generis Hari/beauty salon & relocation of fence line 2.5m towards plot boundary.

Ref 20/0999/FUL

No comments were received on the night, site location to be looked at by the Council.

b. Partial Change of use from workshop to workshop/gym land at St Hugh’s Business Park, Camp Road, Witham St Hughs. Ref – 20/1190/FUL

The parish council had ‘No Comment’ to make regarding the application.

11. Plans for Remembrance Day Update.

The Clerk made comment that a Poppy Wreath & New flag had been ordered. Cllr Fenney made comment that the plans were underway. Full details of the service would be advertised on Social media and the Website once finalised

Action Cllr Snape & Cllr Fenney.

12. To Approve the quote to install the Defibrillator (Airman’s Quarters)

After discussions it was Resolved to approve an installation budget of £2000

Action Cllr Linnell

13. To Approve printing costs for the COVID 19 group

Cllr Fenney Declared an Interest for this agenda item.

Item Deferred to the next meeting as the Parish Council was not quorate.

14. Projects/commitments to be considered for the Precept for the Financial Year 2021/2022.

The Chair made comment that the Precept would be discussed over the next couple of meetings and any suggestions or projects that needed to be budgeted for would be welcomed for the discussion.

15. Date & Time of the Next Meeting.

Wednesday 18th November 2020, 7.30pm.

The Parish Council then moved into Closed Session – 8.20pm