May 2020 Minutes

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Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 20th May 2020 at 7.30pm via Skype (New Regulations due to COVID 19)

Present Cllr Harrison – Chair, Cllr Snape – Vice Chair & Cllr Eckert

1 Member of the Public

County Councillor Overton

District Councillor Appleby from 8.35 – 8.55pm

Rachel Popplewell - Clerk

Public comment see agenda item 8.

County Councillor Overton made comment that the recycling sites were open, although you must book a time slot, the system was working well. The County Council are still working with the vulnerable & shielding families. Schools are looking at opening from 1.06.2020 – it is the parent’s decision to send them or not.

County Councillor Overton made comment that the district council are now able to work online, with the planning committee now back reviewing applications. The planning application PL/0033/20 Jerusalem Farm, Jerusalem Road, Skellingthorpe has been resubmitted. The Districts councils’ budget has been reduced considerably due to reduced carparking revenue. Cllr Overton left the meeting 8.20pm

Agenda Items

1. Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was being held via Skype to comply with Social Distancing Regulations due to COVID 19.

Apologies were received & accepted from Cllr Young, Cllr Fenney & Cllr Linnell.

Cllr Rothwell had issues with accessing the conference call.

2. To received Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and outlined in the councils Code of Conduct – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

None received.

The Chair suspended Standing Orders agenda item 8 was brought forward, the member of the public was allowed join the discussions.

8. Consideration for Sports Pitches & Teams in the village.

The member of the public was a Youth Development Football Team Coach, he would like to bring youth football to the village for children aged 7-12yrs, with the possibility to train on the pitches in the village.

After discussions, the Parish Council were in favour of the proposition to bring extra football teams into the village whether it be youth football or an additional men’s team, but several factors need to be sorted first.

Pitch Condition, ongoing maintenance costs & how much interest there is in the village for youth football & an additional men’s team.

Action Cllr Snape & Member of the Public.

Cllr Harrison to contact the Village Events Committee to get the Field sorted at the back of the hall

Action Cllr Harrison.

3. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 15th April 2020 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed.

Minute reference for approval written on paper copy.

4. Notes of the Extraordinary parish council meeting held on Saturday 21st March 2020 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All Agreed

Minute Reference for approval written on paper copy.

5. Clerks Update

The Clerk made comment that she applied & received the COVID 19 Small Business Grant - Retail, Hospitality & Leisure Grant of £10,000.

No site visits are being conducted at the minute due to the ongoing pandemic, any alarm upgrade quotes have been put on hold.

6. Finance

a. It was Resolved to approve the list of payments (list previously circulated). All Agreed. Payments sheet to have the minute reference put on. – COVID 19.

Comments were received regarding the invoice for the open spaces and that the clerk had received numerous complaints regarding over hanging trees and branches. Cllr Harrison offered to contact Town & Country to discuss.

Action Cllr Harrison

b. The Bank Reconciliation was presented with the accounts balancing to the month end 30.04.2020.

Cllr Appleby joined the meeting 8.35pm, making comment that the Red Arrows have been relocated to RAF Waddington.

Cllr Appleby had also been in contact with the Tree Officer after receiving comments on two large trees that had been felled in the village. The works had been approved under a previous planning application. 20/0372/TPO.

7. Corona Virus – Hall Contingency Plan

All hall booking fees had been reimbursed when requested. Hall Bookings have been cancelled until the end of June 2020.

The Caretakers were going in daily to ensure the hall is cleaned and kept secure. The Clerk is working from the hall periodically.

8. To Discuss & Review the Asset Register.

The Asset register was reviewed with it now being completed. Stock valuations had been received for all the play equipment and have been logged. The asset register will now be forwarded to the Insurance company to ensure cover is sufficient.

Action Clerk.

9. To Review the following policies.

a. Code of Conduct for Members of North Kesteven District Council

b. Model Financial Regulations

c. Model Standing Orders.

It was Resolved to adopt all the policies after they had been reviewed.

It was Resolved to approve variable direct debits for the parish Council and to note the addition of a Parish Council Credit Card in the Financial Regulations.

10. To Approve the meeting dates for the ensuing year.

It was Resolved to approve the meeting dates for the following year.

11. To consider the new street name for the land to the rear of 20 Nettleton Drive, Witham St Hughs.

After discussions with the residents of the old Airman’s Quarters it was Resolved propose the following street names.

a. Lancaster Close/Court ect…

b. Thompson Close/Court ect …..

12. Correspondence

The clerk made comment that she had received a letter regarding speeding in the village, after discussions the Clerk was asked to contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership for ideas to help combat the speeding in the village.

Action Clerk.

Comments had been received regarding a fallen fence on Owl Close which has encroached onto the carpark. Cllr Snape offered to meet with the residents to discuss the situation.

Action Cllr Snape.

Correspondence has been received regarding land transfers in the village, the Clerk is awaiting further information from North Kesteven District Council Planning Enforcement Team

13. Items for the next Agenda

14. Date & Time of the next Meeting

Wednesday 17th June 2020.

The Parish Council moved into Closed Session. 21.40pm.

1. Notes of the Closed session Parish Council held on Wednesday 15th April 2020 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All Agreed. COVD 19 minutes reference written on the paper copy.