January 2021 Minutes

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Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 20th January 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom.

Present Cllr Harrison – Chair, Cllr Snape – Vice Chair Cllr Branagan & Cllr Linnell

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk

County Councillor Marianne Overton.

Maisie McMahon – Safer Together Co-ordinator.

1 member of the public.

Comments were received from Maisie McMahon, the Safer Together Co-ordinator which was a new role that had been created by Mark Jones the Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC). The main purpose of the role was created so that the co-ordinators can report straight back to the PCC making them more aware of the issues locally, the role is separate to the police. Maisie urged all crime to still be reported by ringing 101, the more crimes reported the more focus will be put in certain areas. The Councillors made comment that Anti-Social behaviour was still at times an issue in the village, this has since been reduced during lockdown and with the closing of the MUGA.

Cllr Overton thanked Cllr Snape for supporting the COVID 19 group, Infections are now slowly going down, but deaths are rising. The planned Elections for May 2021 are still hoping to be held, although we may still be in Lockdown on the run up to election day which may affect canvassing.

Agenda Items

1. Welcome & Apologies.

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was being held via Zoom to comply with Social Distancing Regulations due to COVID 19.

The Chair welcomed Cllr Branagan to his first Parish Council meeting.

Apologies were received from Councillor Fenney.

It was Resolved to accept the reason absence - All Agreed show hands.

The Chair made comment that Cllr Rothwell had left the Council due to Non-Attendance of meetings, the Clerk had contacted North Kesteven District Council who had issued the Vacancy Notice.

The Chair passed her thanks onto Cllr Young, Cllr Eckert & Cllr Rothwell for their support & work during their time on the Parish Council.

2. To received Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and outlined in the councils Code of Conduct – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

None Received

3. Health & Safety.

The Clerk made comment that a loose paving slab near the MUGA had been identified. Spencer Hall (Member of the public) offered to sort at the weekend (23/24 Jan 2021)

4. To Resolve to fill by Co-option the Parish Council Vacancy.

The Clerk made comment that she had received one applicant for the Vacancy from Mr Spencer Hall.

Cllr Snape Proposed to Co-opt Spencer Hall onto the Parish Council, Seconded by Cllr Linnell. A majority vote in favour of the Co-option was received.

Mr Hall then signed his Acceptance of Office form; he could then participate in the rest of the meeting.

The Chair welcomed Cllr Hall to the Parish Council & the meeting. Declaration of Interests Form to be returned within 28days. Action Cllr Hall

5. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 20th December 2020 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed by show of hands.

Signed by the Chair.

6. Notes of the Extra-Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 12th January 2020 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All Agreed by show of hands.

7. Clerks Update & Correspondence & Resolve to agree any actions/costs.

The Clerk made comment that she had ordered the new litter bins & 2 new grit bins. Cllr Snape offered to show the contractor where they were to be sited. The new locations have been agreed by North Kesteven District Council.

The Clerk made comment that she was still waiting to hear from the contractor regarding a start date to repair the foot paths.

The contract for the Gas was up for review – Clerk to source new prices. Action Clerk.

8. Finance

a. It was Resolved to approve the list of payments (list previously circulated). All Agreed, show of hands.

Signed by The Chairman

b. The Bank Reconciliation was presented as at 31.12.2020 – showing the accounts balanced – signed by the Chairman.

c. To review the Budget as at 31.12.2020

The Clerk made comment that the council was at 66% of budget, no amendments were required.

d. To Approve the Precept for the Financial Year 2021/2022.

After discussions two options were voted on

a. -2.26% reduction = reduction of £1.92 on a Band D Property

b. 0.16% increase = 14p increase on a band D Property.

Majority vote receive for option B.

It was Resolved to request a Precept amount £90800 (Option B). This denotes an increase of 0.16%, in monetary terms this equates to a 14p/pa increase on a band D property.

Action Clerk.

9. Open Spaces

a. To consider the quote to finish the hedge & bush trimming.

The Clerk made comment that there was approximately 3-5 days work left to complete the tidy up works. The existing contractor had sent a quote of £500 per day.

After discussions it was Resolved to approve the costing to a maximum of 5 days work at £500 per day = £2500. All Agreed – show of hands.

b. Cuckoo Walk repairs.

Cllr Snape made comment that nothing could be done to repair the lifted block paving on Cuckoo Walk. The Chair made comment that a patch of grass needed to be re-seeded, Cllr Hall Offered to re-seed the area. Cllr Hall.

c. Swales Clearance.

The Chair made comment that the drains were blocked around the village that run into the balance ponds, the bolts to the drains were opened by an Allen Key, some the bolts had been broken and would need replacing.

The Clerk had received a quote to clear the swales of £30 per grate x 30 grates = £900.

After discussions it was Resolved to approve the quote to a maximum of £1000 to include the costs of the new bolts. All Agreed – show of hands.

10. To Discuss & Agree to Resolve the new Allotment Lease.

Deferred to the next meeting.

11. Allotment Committee Members.

The Chair made comment that 2 members of the Parish Council had to be on the Allotment Committee under the terms of the lease, along with 2 members from Cargills and Allotment Plot Holders.

The Chair asked for 2 Councillors to be elected onto the Allotment Committee when they next meet - Cllr Branagan & Cllr Harrison offered.

12. Training Courses.

The Clerk made comment that there was a full list of Training courses available to the Councillors, all being conducted by Zoom during the day and in the evening.

The Clerk was asked to circulate the list Action Clerk.

13. Date & Time of the Next Meeting.

Wednesday 17th February 2021, 7.30pm.

The Parish Council then moved into Closed Session – 9pm