March 2021 Minutes
Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 17Th March 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom.
Present Cllr Harrison – Chair, Cllr Snape – Vice Chair, Cllr Branagan & Cllr Hall
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
County Councillor Marianne Overton.
District Councillors Peter Overton & Sally Appleby (from 7.55pm)
4 members of the public.
Cllr Peter Overton made comment that NKDC had posted a video online which detailed their plans for the coming years. Elections are scheduled for 6th May 2021 in the usual manner. Electors are encouraged to use postal votes where possible. North Kesteven District Council Tree policy was being reviewed – increased funding would be made available to include small plants not just staked trees. The Chair asked that Cllr Overton review any Phase 3 plans that are sent through from the District Planning authority, to highlight any areas that may be of concern.
Cllr Marianne Overton made comment that grants were available for seeds & plants. Primarily sunflower seeds for communities to plant. An extra £12.5 million pounds had been set aside for Lincolnshire Road maintenance.
Agenda Items
1. Welcome & Apologies.
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was being held via Zoom to comply with Social Distancing Regulations due to COVID 19.
Apologies were received from Cllr Fenney & Cllr Linnell. It was Resolved to accept the request & reason for absence Proposed by Cllr Harrison, seconded by Cllr Snape - All Agreed by show of hands.
The Chair made comment that she received Cllr Nick Yeattes-Walkers’ resignation, the vacancy is currently being advertised. Closing date is 7th April 2021.
2. To received Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and outlined in the councils Code of Conduct – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.
None Received
3. Health & Safety.
The Chair made comment that children were accessing the MUGA, by using cable ties to hold fencing/barriers in place to use as ladders. The barriers belong to the VHEC, the Clerk to contact the VHEC Action Clerk.
4. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th February 2021 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed by show of hands.
Signed by the Chair.
5. Notes of the Extra-Ordinary Parish Council meeting held in Closed Session on Friday 26th February 2021 to be approved as minutes.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All Agreed by show of hands.
6. Clerks Update & Correspondence & Resolve to agree any actions/costs.
The Clerk made comment that the new bins were due to be installed this week (17.03.2021). A meeting had been arranged with a contractor to repair the hoggin path/pathways around the village.
The Clerk confirmed that she had received the Non-Domestic rates bill for 2021/2022 – amount £0.00 (small business relief)
7. Finance
a. It was Resolved to approve the list of payments (list previously circulated). All Agreed, show of hands.
Signed by The Chairman
b. The Bank Reconciliation was presented as at 28.02.2021 – showing the accounts balanced – signed by the Chairman.
The Chair suspended standing order to allow District Cllr Appleby to join the meeting.
Cllr Appleby made comment that CoVID grants were still available for eligible businesses from NKDC. Parents of school ages children can now access lateral flow tests to be collected from local testing sites. The Chair asked that Cllr Appley review any Phase3 plans that are sent through from the District Planning authority, to highlight any areas that may be of concern.
The Chair re-instated standing orders 8.10pm
8. To Review the Following Policies.
a. Publication Scheme Policy – Resolved to adopt the policy after reviewing no amendments required – All Agreed.
b. Community Engagement Policy – Resolved to adopt the policy after reviewing no amendments required – All Agreed.
c. Communications Policy – Resolved to adopt the policy after reviewing no amendments required – All Agreed.
d. Abusive, Persistent & Vexatious Complaints Policy – Resolved to adopt the policy after reviewing no amendments required.
9. To Consider the following Planning Applications.
a. Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans. Cell 6 Witham st Hughs, Phase 3 East of Camp Road, Witham st Hughs. Ref – 20/1659/RESM
The Parish Council Resolved to submit the following comments -
We have had discussions with Avant homes, raising concerns on the Landscaping & Open spaces. These will be addressed further down the line when more detailed information is available.
The Parish Council has no objection to the application.
b. Application for approval of reserved matters for 183 dwellings (Cells 2a, 3a and 3b) comprising details of appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 15/1347/OUT - Erection of up to 1,100 dwellings and 150 care/retirement units (C2/C3), the formation of a roundabout to Camp Road, A46 junction improvement works, public open spaces and associated service infrastructure (outline with means of access)
Location: Witham St Hughs Cells 2a, 3A & 3B East of Camp Road and North of Hannah Crescent Witham St Hughs Lincolnshire LN6 9GD. Ref – 21/0276/RESM
It was Resolved to defer comment on this application as the Parish Council are due to have a meeting with the developers on 22.03.2021.
Following comments were submitted for this application – after the meeting.
The Parish Council has no objection to the application. We have had discussions with Countryside Homes, raising concerns with the Landscaping and opens spaces. These will be address further down the line when more detailed information is available.
c. Reserved matters application for the erection of 148 dwellings (Cell 6) with layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping to be considered, pursuant to outline planning application 15/1347/OUT - Erection of up to 1,100 dwellings and 150 care/retirement units (C2/C3), the formation of a roundabout to Camp Road, A46 junction improvement works, public open spaces and associated service infrastructure (outline with means of access) Cell 6, Witham St Hughs Phase 3 East of Camp Road Witham St Hughs Ref – 20/1659/RESM.
The Parish Council Resolved to submit ‘no comment’ for the application, although T plans and updated landscaping plans were still to be received from the developer.
d. To consider a new street names for the Land of Gibson Green, Witham St Hughs.
After discussions it was Resolved for ‘Jackson’ to be considered as the new street name.
10. To approve the revised Terms of Reference for the Personnel Committee
After consideration it was Resolved to accept the revised Terms of Reference. All Agreed – show of hands.
11. Update on the VE Day Raffle.
Cllr Snape made comment that the raffle can held virtually via an online platform like Facebook. After discussions it was Resolved to create a committee to run the event consisting of Councillors & residents. Cllr Snape to advertise. Action Cllr Snape.
Cllr Appleby left the meeting 8.20pm
12. To approve the costs to clean the Balance Pond.
Concerns were raised regarding the clearing of the pond, additional expert help/information was required before any further clearing was carried out.
All Agreed – show of hands Action Clerk.
13. To consider purchasing new bins for behind the field behind the hall.
After discussions it was Resolved to purchase & install 2 new bins. Action Clerk.
14. To discuss purchasing a new laptop – quotes previously circulated.
After consideration it was Resolved to approve the quote for a new laptop of £480 + VAT. Plus a set up cost of £50.00. Action Clerk.
15. To consider the quotes to repair the outside lights at the village hall.
both quotes were considered one to replace the lights one to investigate further the reason for most of the lights not working.
It was Resolved to accept the quote to investigate the problem further. Action Clerk.
16. To consider the request from James Richard Circus to attend the village in June 2021.
Discussions around the COVID guidelines and public safety were considered. The Clerk was asked to contact and ask if they would be able move their date to the end of 2021 or early 2022. Action Clerk.
17. To consider the request from Witham St Hughs Primary School to purchase a Time Capsule.
The Clerk made comment that the council did not have a ‘duty or power’ to donate money to another government organisation. They could consider a request from the PTA or ‘Friends of Witham School’ if a group were available. Clerk to contact. Action Clerk.
18. To discuss re-opening the Village Hall.
The Chair made comment that the hall would need to be cleaned before and after the election on the 6th of May 2021. The current guidelines denote that the hall cannot be opened before 17th May 2021, another review would be carried out at the next meeting.
A working group was needed to consider a new job description & job advert for the caretakers.
19. Date & Time of the Next Meeting.
Wednesday 21st April 2021 at 7pm.