April 2021 Minutes

WSH PC crest

Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 28th April 2021 at 7.00pm via Zoom.

Present Cllr Harrison – Chair, Cllr Snape – Vice Chair & Cllr Hall. 

Cllr Marianne Overton until 7.20pm

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk

2 members of the public.

Agenda Items

1.   Welcome & Apologies.

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting was being held via Zoom to comply with Social Distancing Regulations due to COVID 19.

Apologies were received from Cllr Branagan & Cllr Linnell. It was Resolved to accept the request & reason for absence Proposed by Cllr Harrison, seconded by Cllr Snape - All Agreed by show of hands.

Cllr Sally Appleby sent apologies. 

2.   To received Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and outlined in the councils Code of Conduct – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

None Received

3.   Health & Safety.

The Chair made comment that the litter picker had slipped on one of the grass verges. No intervention was required, she has made a full recovery.

4.   To Resolve to fill by Co-option the 2 Parish Councillor Vacancies.

The Clerk made comment that she had received three applicants for the Vacancies. Each candidate had sent in a résumé and had a ‘meet & greet’ with the Councillors. Due to the meeting being on zoom a paper ballot was not possible, a text vote to the Clerk was taken instead. 

A majority vote in favour of Ms Emma Houghton was received for the first vacancy. 

A Majority vote in favour of Mr Daniel Bell was received for the second vacancy. 

Cllr Harrison proposed to Co-opt Emma Houghton & Daniel Bell onto the Parish Council following the majority votes, Seconded by Cllr Snape – All Agreed 

Both candidates then signed their Acceptance of Office forms; they could then participate in the rest of the meeting. 

The Chair welcomed Cllr Houghton & Cllr Bell to the Parish Council and the meeting. Declaration of Interests Forms to be returned within 28days.

Action Cllr Houghton & Bell. 

The Chair thanked all of those who applied for their interest.

5.   Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th March 2021 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed by show of hands. 

Signed by the Chair.

6.   Clerks Update & Correspondence & Resolve to agree any actions/costs.

The clerk made comment that the fencing had been secured by the VHEC, to help prevent it being used as a ladder to gain access to the MUGA. Two new bins had been delivered, just waiting for them to be installed on the field. The litter picker had highlighted that the two bins near the school were also now broken.

It was Resolved to purchase two bins to replace them.

Action Clerk.

The new laptop was now up and running – thanks were passed onto the council from the Clerk.

The circus was now going to come to the village in September 2021, the clerk was asked to arrange a meeting with them to discuss where the tent would be located.

Action Clerk.

The balance pond needed further investigation. The original plans have been received by the clerk, a site visit with the contractor was required to formulate a plan of action.  

7.   Finance 

a.   It was Resolved to approve the list of payments (list previously circulated). All Agreed, show of hands. 

Signed by The Chairman

b.   The Annual Bank Reconciliation was presented as at 31.03.2021 – showing the accounts balanced – signed by the Chairman.

The Clerk highlighted that under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the parish council would only receive £85,000 for a financial loss if the firm is unable to pay. The Clerk was asked to source an additional bank/savings account.

Action Clerk.

c.   To review the budget at the yearend, the Clerk made comment that the parish council was at 76% of target as at 31.03.2021.

8.   To consider, approve, and sign the Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021

The Annual Governance Statements were considered – it was Resolved to answer them all positively, signed by the Chair & Clerk.

9.   To Approve and sign the Accounting Statements 2020/2021.

It was Resolved to approve the Accounting Statements as correct – All Agreed. Signed by the Chair & Clerk.

10.   To Review the Following Policies.

a.   CCTV Policy – Resolved to adopt the policy after reviewing – amendment to the wording No17 ‘Any two of the following are required when accessing the CCTV system ‘two Parish Councillors or the Clerk plus one Parish Councillor’ – All Agreed.

b.   Recording of Meetings Policy – Resolved to adopt the policy after reviewing no amendments required – All Agreed.

c.   Equality Policy – Resolved to adopt the policy after reviewing no amendments required – All Agreed.

11.   To Resolve to renew the Zoom Licence. 

After discussions it was Resolved to renew the Zoom licence at £119.90 for the year. 

12.   To Resolve to approve the Cleaning Costs for the village hall, for the Election 06.05.2021.

The Clerk made comment that two quotes had been received to clean the hall before and after the election. After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from CSG Uk, All Agreed – show of hands.                    

Action Clerk.

13.   To Consider the following Planning Applications.

a.   Application to vary condition 5 (construction working hours) of dwellings, associated infrastructure and open spaces following outline planning permission 17/0413/OUT. Land off Gibson Green, Witham St Hughs, Lincoln. 

Ref – 21/0339/VARCON.

After discussions it was Resolved to submit the following comments and objection to the application. 

The requested working hours have been submitted with a statement made by Lord Greenhalgh Minister of State for Building Safety and Communities as a supporting document.

Within the statement there are several points that Witham St Hughs Parish Council wish to underline as part of its objection to the proposed changes in working hours. Whilst the parish council understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on the construction industry, the site that these changes of working hours relate to has seen continuous construction since the start of the initial lockdown in England. The impact on construction at this site due to the COVID-19 restrictions therefore is minimal.

The statement makes the following points:

1. “Requests to extend working hours should be proportionate and should not involve working on Sundays or bank holidays”.

2. “Applications should only be refused where there are very compelling reasons such as significant impact on neighbouring businesses or uses which are particularly sensitive to noise, dust or vibration, which cannot be overcome through other mitigation, or where impacts on densely populated areas would be unreasonable”.

3. “Any temporary changes to construction working hours conditions granted by local planning authorities should not extend beyond 13 May 2021”.

Regarding point 1, the change to working hours requested includes Sunday 8.30am until 1.30pm. This is not supported within the statement. The statement makes clear that request to extend working hours “should not involve working on Sundays or bank holidays”. 

Regarding point 2, the proposed changes to the working hours will have a direct and negative impact on residents who live on the site. What is more, Witham St Hughs is experiencing the beginning of its Phase 3 development of 1,100 new homes and 150 retirement homes as detailed in 15/1347/OUT. The below map shows the site location for 21/0339/VARCON in relation to 15/1347/OUT.    

Construction work carried out on both sites impacts residents particularly in relation to noise, dust and vibration levels. An increase to the working hours on the land off Gibson Green would be unreasonable.

Regarding point 3, the changes would be temporary and “should not extend beyond 13 May 2021” which raises the question as to the point of such a short-term increase in working hours. The impact on residents versus the advantages gained by an increase in working hours for a matter of days, is not at all reasonable. 

When residents were asked if they support the change in working hours, 41 said no and only 1 said yes. The concerns of the residents about the change in working hours should not be dismissed.

The related case to this variation of conditions is 19/1446/RESM. The decision notice dated 13 Dec 2019 approves this proposal – “Reserved matters application for the erection of 9no residential dwellings, associated infrastructure and open space following outline planning permission 17/0413/OUT”.

The carrying out of development referred to above was subject to conditions. Condition number 5 relates to the working hours and states:

“No construction works shall take place upon the property outside the following hours: - 

8am - 5.30pm Mondays - Fridays.

No construction shall take place on Saturdays, Sundays, or Bank Holidays.

Reason: In the interests of residential amenity to accord with policy LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (Adopted 2017)”

Currently, the total number of hours construction work can take place as per 19/1446/RESM is 47.5.

The requested change to the hours for 21/0339/VARCON requests a 12-hour construction period for Monday-Saturday and a 5-hour construction period for Sundays, totalling 77 hours in a 7-day period.

If 21/0339/VARCON is approved, this will be an increase of 29.5 hours in a 7-day period.

Perhaps a more reasonable solution can be achieved by extending the working hours Monday to Friday to between 0800 and 1800 and Saturday from 0900-1400, with no construction work to be undertaken on Sundays and Public Holidays. This would be a total of 54 hours for the week, an increase therefore of 6.5 hours. 

This would impact residents less than an increase of 29.5 hours per week as requested and would also provide an increase to the working hours at the same time.

In addition, it may be prudent to allow non-noisy construction (inside work for electricians, painters, plumbers etc) to occur later on Saturdays and which would not disturb neighbouring residents and would also permit the applicant more time to complete necessary works.

Witham St Hughs Parish Council therefore wish to object to the proposed changes to the working hours and request that NKDC particularly do not allow construction work to take place on site on Sundays or Public Holidays.

After discussions it was Resolved to submit ‘No Comment’ to agenda items 13b, c & d.

b.   Application to vary condition 6 (approved plans) to change plot 6 from a 2 bed bungalow to a 3 bed detached house of 19/1446/RESM – Reserved matters application for the erection of 9no residential dwellings, associated infrastructure and open space land following outline planning permission 17/0413/OUT. Land of Gibson Green, Witham St Hughs, Lincoln. 

Ref – 21/0336/VARCON.

c.   Application to vary condition 6 (approved plans) to change plot 7 from a 3 bed bungalow with an integral garage to a 3 bed house with a single garage of 19/1446/RESM – Reserved matters application for the erection of 9no residential dwellings, associated infrastructure and open space land following outline planning permission 17/0413/OUT. Land of Gibson Green, Witham St Hughs, Lincoln. 

Ref – 21/0337/VARCON.

d.   Application to vary condition 6 (approved plans) to change plot 5 from a 2 bed bungalow to a 3 bed bungalow of 19/1446/RESM – Reserved matters application for the erection of 9no residential dwellings, associated infrastructure and open space land following outline planning permission 17/0413/OUT. Land of Gibson Green, Witham St Hughs, Lincoln. 

Ref – 21/0338/VARCON.

e.   Residential development of 70 no. affordable dwellings (Cell 2B). Reserved Matters application comprising details of appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale pursuant to outline planning permission 15/1347/OUT – Erection of up to 1000 dwellings and 150 care/retirement units (C2/C3), the formation of a roundabout to Camp Road, A46 junction improvement works, public open space and associated service infrastructure (outline with means of access). Witham St Hughs Phase 3, East of Camp Road and North of Hannah Crescent.

Ref 20/1736/RESM

After discussions it was Resolved to submit comments, confirming revised landscaping plans and boundaries – All Agreed.

f.   To consider street names for Cell 6 Witham St Hughs (20/1659)

After discussions it was Resolved to choose ‘garden flowers’ as the street names for Cell 6 – All Agreed 

g.   Change of use from public land to private and erection of a 1.8-meter fence around the land (retrospective and re-submission of 20/0297/FUL)

6 Rosehip Walk, Witham St Hughs Lincoln. 

Ref – 21/0297/FUL.

It was Resolved to submit ‘No Objection’ to the application.

h.   To consider the proposed 5G telecommunications installation for H3G UK prior to submission of a formal planning application. 

After discussions on the location and height of the mast, the pre application was forwarded onto Strawsons and put on social media, prior to submitting comments.

Action Clerk.

14.   To resolve to approve and sign the Allotment Lease. 

After consideration it was Resolved to accept and sign the revised map and lease. 

All Agreed – show of hands.

Action Clerk.

15.   To consider the quote to repair the footpaths in the village. 

Further clarity regarding the quote was required along with a map of the areas included. Additional quotes would be required.

Action Clerk.

16.   To Resolve to purchase additional passive roads signs. 

After discussions it was Resolved to purchase 3 new signs – all Agreed, show of hands.

17.   Date & Time of the Next Meeting.

Saturday 1st May 2021, 10am Annual Parish Council Meeting.