May 2021 Minutes (17th)
Minutes of Witham St Hughs Extra-Ordinary meeting held on Monday 17th May 2021 at 8pm.
Present – Cllr Harrison- Chairman, Cllr Snape – Vice Chair, Cllr Hall, Cllr Branagan & Cllr Houghton.
Agenda Items.
1. Welcome and apologies.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr Bell. It was Resolved to accept the request and reason for absence. Proposed by Cllr Harrison seconded by Cllr Snape. All Agreed.
Cllr Linnell – Absent.
2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.
3. To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated.
It was Resolved to approve the list of payments (list previously circulated). All Agreed, show of hands. Signed by The Chairman and Vice Chairman.
4. To consider the following planning applications.
a. Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995, Schedule 2, Part 24 – Application for prior notification of proposed development by telecommunications code systems operators.
Proposed 18m Phase 8 Monopole C/W wraparound cabinet at base and associated ancillary works. Warren Lane, Witham St Hughs.
Ref – 21/0508/PNTEL
After discussions it was Resolved to submit the following, a full copy of the objection is attached to the minutes and will be sent to North Kesteven District Council – All Agreed.
Whilst we understand there must be an exercise undertaken to explore options, it appears undoubtedly, that the applicant has deliberately chosen areas that are unsuitable to bolster their opinion that the site chosen on Warren Lane is the best option.
Witham St Hughs Parish Council is not against the improvement of high-quality communications networks within the locality but does object to them being placed, inappropriately within the residential area of the village for the reasons given above. We therefore object to this application and request a proper and full engagement with the applicant. We are more than willing to use our local knowledge to assist them in identifying suitable locations for siting a 5G mast in the area.
b. Single Storey rear extension 3.82m in length from the original wall, eaves height of 2.1m and maximum height of 3.2m.
4 Doe Close. Ref – 21/0621/PNH
After discussion it was Resolved to submit ‘No Comment’ to the application -All Agreed.
c. Application to vary condition 4 (materials) and condition 5 (construction working hours) of 19/144/RESM – Reserved matters application for the erection of 9no residential dwellings, associated infrastructure, and open space following outline planning permission 17/0413/OUT. Land off Gibson Green, Witham st Hughs, Lincoln.
Ref – 21/0339/VARCON.
After discussion it was Resolved to submit the following comments - All Agreed.
Witham St Hughs Parish Council stands by our comments submitted on Friday 30 April 2021. We would like NKDC to consider that perhaps a reasonable solution can be achieved by extending the working hours Mon – Fri to between 08.00 – 18.00 and Saturday 09.00 – 14.00. with no construction work to be undertaken on Sundays and public holidays. This would be a total of 54 hours for the week, and an increase therefore of 6.5 hours compared to the initial request to increase the hours to 29.5 hours in a 7-day period.
d. Proposed single storey side extension and alterations to dwelling. 18 Tall Pines Road, Witham St Hughs.
Ref – 21/0605/HOUS
After discussions it was Resolved to support the application – All Agreed.
5. To consider the quotes to clean the MUGA.
The clerk made comment that she had received two quotes to clean the MUGA, after discussions it was Resolved to approve the quote from Martyn Flowers – All Agreed, show of hands.
Action Clerk.
6. To Approve the costs for Risk Assessments and Health and Safety audit at the Village Hall and Allotments.
The Clerk made comment that she had received a quote of £25 per Risk Assessment written and £175 for the yearly annual Health & Safety audit. Two risk assessments were required, one for the hall and one for the allotments.
After discussions it was Resolved approve the quote.
Action Clerk.
7. To Resolve to approve the proposals from the Personnel Committee regarding the Caretaker position.
None received.
Meeting Closed 8.45pm