December 2021 Minutes

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Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 8th December 2021 at 7.00pm at the village hall.

No Public Forum.

Report was received from Cllr Appleby.

Present Cllr Karen Harrison - Chairman, Cllr Danny Bell & Cllr Emma Houghton

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk

Agenda Items

1.   Welcome & Apologies.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Snape.

It was Resolved to accept the request & reason for absence from Cllr Snape, proposed by Cllr Harrison, seconded by Cllr Bell – All Agreed by show of hands.

Cllr Linnell absent – reason for absence not approved – All Agreed, show of hands.

2.   TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

None received.

3.   Health & Safety brief.

The Clerk made comment that due to the change in COVID guidelines issued by the Government, the wearing of facemasks in the village hall has been reinstated.               

4.   Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 17 November 2021.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All Agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chairman.

5.   Clerks Update.

The Clerk made comment that, there was an outstanding invoice for field hire that hadn’t been paid. She had contacted the people, but the invoice still hadn’t been paid. 

The football team had asked about hiring the hall & bar on Boxing Day, as they were holding a charity football match, the request was approved, but in the absence of the caretaker the football team must clean the hall afterwards.

Cllr Houghton still to source a new phone for the caretaker.

Cllr Harrison made comment that the Chair of Eagle & Swinethorpe Paris Council, had contacted her, due to them having the same Clerk, he confirmed that they would be happy to pay for half of the Clerks CiLCA qualification, as they would also benefit from her being qualified.

The Clerk made comment that the open spaces contractor would carry out the recommended tree works on the trees surrounding Oak Tree Park within his usual working week, as the other maintenance work was UpToDate. The residents directly impacted by the works will be informed.  

6.   Finance.

a.   To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated. 

It was Resolved to approve the list of payments – All agreed, show of hands.

b.   To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 30.11.2021.

The bank reconciliation as at 30.11.2021 was presented to the council, showing the accounts balanced – signed by Cllr Bell.

The Clerk made comment that Cllr Bell had been and inspected the accounts, bank statements & invoices. He was shown the process from receiving the invoice to payment.

7.   To discuss the footpaths repairs & costs.

Deferred to the next meeting – Clerk was still awaiting quotes. 

8.   To consider the options & costs of a security firm answering alarm call out of hours.

Two quotes were considered at the meeting, after discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote from Stance Security, at a cost of £250.00pa plus £37.50 per call out. 

Invoice approved for payment when received, contract will start 14.12.2021. – All Agreed, show of hands.

Action Clerk. 

9.   To discuss the options for an additional Parish Council Bank Account.

The Clerk made comment that due to the difficulties in contacting the existing bankers, the option to change banks was considered. Two options were discussed, Unity Trust & The Co-Operative. 

After consideration it was Resolved to open a current account with both banks, with funds being transferred across.

Action Clerk.

10.   To approve the Parish Agreement Scheme – Urban Highway Grass Cutting 2022-2023

After discussions it was Resolved to renew the parish agreement for the next financial year, contribution to be received from Lincolnshire County Council would be £915.17.

All agreed – show of hands.

11.   Update from Cluster meeting.

Cllr Harrison made comment that she had attend the meeting along with Cllr Bell. 

Richard Fenwick, Lincolnshire County Highways Manager held a Q & A session regarding the condition of the roads in the local area. The next cluster meeting is 21.02.2022.

12.   Date & Time of next meeting

Wednesday 19 January 2022 at 7pm.

Meeting Closed a 7.46pm.