June 2021 Minutes

WSH PC crest

Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 16th June 2021 at 7.00pm at the Village Hall.

Present – Cllr Karen Harrison (Chairman), Cllr Jason Snape (Vice-Chair), Cllrs Houghton, Hall & Bell.

Rachel Popplewell – Clerk

County Councillor Marianne Overton

District Councillor Peter Overton

Cllr Marianne Overton made comment that she had been re-elected in May 2021 and passed her thanks onto the community for their support. Half of the staff are back in the office at the County Council which has subsequently released office space. Lots of training session were underway for the new and existing councillors., Cllr Overton has been appointed to Planning and Adult Services committees.

Cllr Peter Overton made comment that small committees were still meeting at the district council offices. The new paper and card separation bins will be rolled out over the whole of north Kesteven during the summer.

Agenda Items

1. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Face to face meetings have now been resumed by the Council.

Apologies were received from Cllr Branagan & Cllr Linnell. It was Resolved to accept the request & reason for absence proposed by Cllr Harrison, seconded by Cllr Snape – All Agreed by show of hands.

2. To received Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and outlined in the councils Code of Conduct – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.

None Received

3. Health & Safety.

The Chair made comment that the hall was to remain closed until all the restrictions had been lifted.

4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 28th April 2021 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed by show of hands, signed by the Chairman.

5. Notes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on Saturday 1st May 2021 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed by show of hands, signed by the Chairman.

6. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Saturday 15th May 2021 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed by show of hands, signed by the Chairman.

7. Notes of the Extra-ordinary meeting held on Monday 17th May 2021 to be approved as minutes.

It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All agreed by show of hands, signed by the Chairman.

8. Clerks Update, Correspondence and resolve to agree any actions/costs.

The Clerk made comment that the cost to replace the damaged tree on Warren Lane would be £50. It was Resolved to approve the cost of the replacement. Action Clerk.

A resident had offered to plant 5000 snowdrops around the village at a cost of £475, an addition quote had been received of £600 for 2000. It was resolved to approve the quote of £475 for the bulbs. Action Clerk.

The clerk made comment that the bus stops needed to be repainted to cover the graffiti the cost of the paint would be £33. It was Resolved to approve the cost of the paint.

The Clerk was asked to contact Lincolnshire County Council as the bottom of the lampposts around the village needed to be repainted, as the existing paint was flaking off. Action Clerk.

The Chair made comment that 2 skips had been delivered and filled at the allotments, a further 2 would be required to clear the remaining rubbish at a cost of approx. £500.

It was Resolved to approve costs to a maximum of £500. Action Clerk.

The Clerk made comment that she had received a letter regarding the location of a new grit bin on Warren Lane and would be it possible for it to be moved. The bin belongs to Lincolnshire County Council so it would be their decision as to whether it could be moved.

9. Finance.

a. To Resolve to approve the annual insurance premium for the Parish Council.

The Clerk made comment that the premium was in line with last years, there had been no significant changes to the asset register. The parish council are in a long-term agreement until next year. It was Resolved to approve the annual premium, all agreed – show of hands.

b. To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated.

It was Resolved to approve the list of payments – All agreed, show of hands.

c. To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 30.04.2021.

The bank reconciliation as at 30.04.2021 was presented to the council, showing the accounts balanced – signed by the Chairman.

d. To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 31.05.2021.

The bank reconciliation as at the 31.05.2021 was presented to the council, showing the accounts balanced – signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman encouraged the councillors to spend a time with the Clerk so they had a better understanding of the finances of the Council.

10. To Review the Following Policies

a. Payment of Expenses to Council members.

After consideration it was Resolved to adopt the policy, no amendments were required.

b. Sickness and Absence Policy.

After consideration it was Resolved to adopt the policy, a slight amendment to the wording regarding the notification of sickness procedure was added.

c. Disciplinary Policy

After consideration it was Resolved to adopt the policy, no amendments were required.

d. Grievance Policy

After consideration it was Resolved to adopt the policy, no amendments were required.

e. Lone Working Policy

After consideration it was Resolved to adopt the policy, after a slight amendment to the wording regarding the caretaker’s phone number was added.

11. To receive the Annual Internal Audit Report.

The Chair read out the Annual Internal Audit report, no issues had been highlighted. Thanks were passed onto the Clerk.

12. To Resolve to instruct North Kesteven District Council to carry out a Community Governance Review.

After discussions it was Resolved to instruct the District Council to carry out a Community Governance review to increase the number of parish councillors to 9, the reasons behind the request are as follows: -

a. The village has increased in size since the formation of the Parish Council in 2000 and continues to increase.

b. Phase 3 will double to the size of the village over the next 10 years, this brings with it extra areas of responsibility to be adopted by the council. Phase 3 start date is imminent.

c. The Parish Council have numerous large projects that will need extra support from councillors and the public, including extension of the Village Hall & building of a new Super Park along with lots of community engagement for the projects.

13. To Resolve to approve the costs for the Play Park repairs, as per the inspection report.

Cllr Snape presented the quote to repair the items highlighted in the annual inspection report at the play parks. After discussions it was Resolved to accept the quote. Cllr Snape to contact & Cllr Bell to review. Action Cllr Snape & Cllr Bell.

14. To inform and discuss the Community Engagement process of the Play Parks and to Resolve to approve any associated costs.

Cllr Snape explained the process regarding the Community Engagement for the new super park and how the core set of play equipment would be chosen/considered.

It was planned for the engagement process to start 01.09.2021. Cllr Houghton and Cllr Bell offered to help with the engagement. Cllr Snape to organise a meeting to get everyone up to speed. Action Cllr Snape.

15. To discuss and resolve to sign the Transfer Documents for the Open Space and Playing Field Land (LL145258) Warren Lane.

Cllr Snape made comment that the sports field was up to standard to be transferred to the parish council, but there were still additional remedial works to carried out before the council would agree to adopting the whole area.

The clerk was asked to clarify.

a. If any S106 monies would be due when the land transfer was done.

b. Would the remedial works be completed by wintertime?

c. Can the fencing be removed from the area on Warren Lane, whilst the repairs are carried out?

d. Who will continue to maintain the existing the football pitch/field once the parish council has taken on the new area? Action Clerk.

16. To Consider the following Planning Applications

a. Retrospective application to vary condition 9 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 19/1746/FUL (erection of 2 no.dwellings) to retain revised access/parking and hard landscaping.

The Ark Nettleton Drive Witham St Hughs, Lincoln.

Ref – 21/0627/VARCON.

b. T1/T2 Oak within W1 & W3 – prune crown material away from lighting columns. Trees located adj. lighting column 026 & 036, Camp Road, Witham St Hughs.


c. Application for approval of reserved matters for 183 dwellings (cell 2a,3a & 3b) comprising of appearance landscaping, layout, and scale pursuant to Outline Planning Permission 15/1347/OUT – Erection of up to 1100 dwellings and 150 care/retirement units (C2/C3), the formation of a roundabout to Camp Road, A46 junction improvement works, public open spaces and associated service infrastructure (outline with means of access)

Amended landscaping details to address comments made by the conservation officer.

Ref – 21/0276/RESM

d. Proposed Roof lift and loft conversion to form bedrooms & internal alterations.

27 Tall Pines Road, Witham St Hughs.

Ref 21/0675/HOUS.

e. Erection of 7no. St. Modwen swan logo signs (non-illuminated) to units 7-15.

St Modwen Park, Lincoln. Camp Road Witham St Hughs.

Ref 21/0781/ADV

After consideration it was Resolved to submit ‘No Comment’ to all the applications above.

17. To consider moving to the Lincolnshire County Council provided Website.

A new website, free of charge was available from the County Council, specifically designed for parish councils. After discussions it was Resolved to

a. Approve the move to the Lincolnshire County Council provided website, then to switch off the existing site.

b. To approve support from a third party to keep the website up to date at a cost of £12pm. Action Clerk.

18. To consider the costs to provide a shared mobile phone for the Caretakers.

Cllr Harrison declared an interest in considering the choice of phone and contract providers and refrained from the taking part in the discussions.

Further information was required before a decision could be made, it was Resolved to set a limit of £100 for a handset and £10pm contract. Action Cllr Houghton.

19. To Resolve to agree the wording for the plaque for the COVID bench as donated by Cllr M Overton.

After consideration, it was Resolved to approve the following wording for the plaque.

“This bench is dedicated to the volunteers of the Witham St Hughs COVID-19 Support Group. Presented by Cllr Marianne Overton MBE”

Cllr Hall offered to price and source the plaque. Action Cllr Hall.


Wednesday 21st July 2021 at 7pm.

Meeting Closed 8.00pm.