September 2021 Minutes
Minutes of Witham St Hughs Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 15 September 2021 at 7.00pm at the village hall.
Present Cllr Karen Harrison - Chairman, Cllr’s Hall, Houghton & Bell
Cllr M Overton, County Councillor.
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
1 member of the public.
Cllr Overton made comment that a meeting had been held of full council where they had been given details of the refugees that were being sent to Lincolnshire. Councils may need to purchase houses for the refugees as the families are larger than we are used to. We are expecting 30 families in the first group in Lincolnshire.
£12m is being made available for additional school places, language lessons and transport. There are 300 University scholarships, £3m for extra NHS support, £5m towards rent. Also £200m is given for the first year of resettlement which aims to welcome 2,000 Afghans.
Congratulations to Lincoln Paralympian Sophie Wells, who won a gold and silver medal after competing in three dressage events. With six medals, she is the most decorated Lincolnshire athlete in Olympic history.
The Chair passed her thanks onto Cllr Overton for her continued help & support with the 5g Mast issue that had received planning permission due to an error by North Kesteven District Council.
Agenda Items.
1. Welcome & Apologies.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Snape.
It was Resolved to accept the request & reason for absence for Cllr Snape proposed by Cllr Harrison, seconded by Cllr Hall – All Agreed by show of hands.
Cllr Linnell absent – reason for absence not approved – All Agreed, show of hands.
2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCALISM ACT 2011 AND OUTLINED IN THE COUNCILS CODE OF CONDUCT – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and any written requests for dispensations.
None received.
3. Health & Safety brief.
The Clerk made comment that the VHEC had yet to confirm if they would be putting anti slip paint/strips on the new bridge.
The Clerk was asked to contact the VHEC as fencing was still on the field from the beer festival – it needed to be removed before the circus arrived on the 19.09.2021.
Action Clerk.
4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 18 August 2021.
It was Resolved to approve the notes as minutes – All Agreed by a show of hands, signed by the Chairman.
5. Clerks Update & Correspondence.
The Clerk made comment that the offer of a purple lidded bin for the village hall had been declined, since it would be impossible to monitor what rubbish would be being put in it.
The Clerk made comment that the caretaker’s phone had arrived – just waiting on the sim card.
Action Cllr Houghton
Cllr Hall made comment that the plaque for the bench was still to be ordered – invoice details had been forwarded.
Action Cllr Hall
The Clerk made comment Cllr Houghton had been and looked over the accounting system and how invoices and receipts are processed.
The Transfer documents have been returned to the solicitors for the new field.
The Clerk made comment that the 5000 snowdrops had arrived; volunteers were needed to plant them and approval was still being sought to paint the bottom of the lamp posts from LCC.
6. Finance.
a. To Authorise the signing of orders for payment, list previously circulated.
It was Resolved to approve the list of payments – All agreed, show of hands.
b. To receive the Bank Reconciliation as at 31.08.2021.
The bank reconciliation as at 30.06.2021 was presented to the council, showing the accounts balanced – signed by Cllr Hall.
7. To discuss Remembrance Day plans and to approve the cost to purchase a poppy wreath.
Cllr Houghton to contact the bugler and the Vicar to confirm their attendance, the service will take place on Sunday 14th November 2021, it will be live streamed via Facebook.
The Clerk was asked to invite the Scouts, VHEC, Brownies & WI to lay a wreath.
It was Resolved to approve the purchase of a wreath for the Parish Council to the value of £50.
Action Clerk.
8. To review the following policies
a. Councillor Vacancy & Co-option Policy.
b. Social Media Policy.
c. Public Participation at Parish Council Meetings.
After discussions it was Resolved to adopt the policies – slight amendments were made to all 3 policies, revised versions to be put on the website.
Action Clerk.
9. To Discuss the Health & Safety Report and consider the recommendations.
After discussions It was Resolved to amend the Terms & Conditions of the hall booking form to now include the location of the First Aid box, Accident Book, and Fire Extinguishers.
Cllr Bell offered to write the Health & Safety Policy; this was an action point from the report.
Action Cllr Bell.
The Clerk was asked to contact M Wood for a quote, for him to write the policy.
Action Clerk.
10. To consider the following planning application.
a. Reserve matters application for the strategic landscaping around Cell 6 pf Phase 111 as required by conditions 1,4 & 6 of the outline planning permission 15/1347/OUT.
Witham St Hughs Phase 3 East of Camp Road, North of Hannah Crescent.
Ref 21/1195/RESM.
“The Tree choices around the edges of the balance pond and the entrance to phase 3 from the new roundabout, these are large trees that are on the landscaping plans, these in time could grow to over 20meters high (Lime Trees and Home Oaks). A lower growing tree would be the preferred option of the Parish Council.
Japanese Cherry Trees – need well drained soil, the area earmarked for them is Clay Soil – again reconsider choices”
Action Clerk.
11. Allotment Update.
The Chair made comment that the first round of plot inspections had taken place in July, warning letters had been sent out, 30 days later second inspections had taken place and any plot that had not improved were sent an enforcement letter asking them to vacate the plot. (As per the allotment enforcement process).
Two residents have sent in letters/emails of complaint regarding the process. One plot holder making comment that he had a wasp’s nest on his plot, the Parish Council took advice from the National Allotments Society they said that the nest removal is the responsibility of the plot holder not the Parish Council if they are only on their plot (if on numerous plots the PC would have to consider removing them)
After discussions it was Resolved to carry on with the enforcement process which both plot holders are aware of, Clerk to contact the plot holders.
Action Clerk.
12. Website Update.
The Clerk made comment that the new website was up and running, except it cannot be found via any online search engine. Lincolnshire County Council are dealing with this, once resolved the old website can be closed.
New website address –
13. To approve the costs to white line the new Football Field.
The Chair made comment that the new field needed to be white lined before the football team could start playing on the pitch, quotes were still waiting to be sent in, after discussions it was Resolved to approve a maximum cost of £250 to white line the field.
Action Clerk.
14. To consider the quote for the Operation Inspections of the Play equipment from Kompan.
Before a decision could be made the Clerk was asked to get an alternative quote for comparison – Deferred to the next meeting.
Action Clerk.
15. Date and time of the next meeting.
Wednesday 20th October 2021 at 7pm
Meeting Closed at 8.50pm
The Parish Council then moved into closed session.